INTRODUCTION THREAD: People affected by Hep B

I dont think it help to request a STD panel as I asked to get testet for HBV many times now… and as HBV and such is not part of a STD panel here.

The blood bank might be the best option unless the Ultrasound Scanning show something tomrrow.

But I have one question, I know that you are not a doctor and Im not too… But every where I read on the internet, if is Hep b foundation or any other place. (I almost watch all the echo series too on the youtube lol :O))

Acute HBV means = High CRP, ALT, AST, LDH,and if high Bilirubine = Jaundice

As my blood test from 21-06, Only CRP / LDH was only a little elevated, but still right outside the “Normal rage” and ALT remind normal, same as bilirubine. and now on latest blood test, ALT went even more down from 22-16 and CRP, LDH is back at normal. So I dont even know what to said any more.

So my Question is. Are there ANY hold in this 2 blood test, CRP and LDH wich was elevated that could indicate a HBV infektion?

Hi @nick0912,

The only way to really be sure is the Hep B panel (HBsAg, anti-HBs Ab, anti-HBc Ab). Nothing else specifically rules in or rules out Hepatitis B infection (acute or chronic).


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Hello @ThomasTu

Thanks for your reply as always.
Yes, i Will try to Call My doctor again next week as i Got joint pain and “lever” pain the last 2 days… but is more in the right side i have joint pain than the left? I Think that is Werid…

This is the result from the Ultrasound thursday.

Ultrasound of the upper abdomen:

The liver looks normal in shape, size and structure. The gallbladder is seen thin-walled without stones.
Neither intrahepatic nor extrahepatic dilated bile ducts can be detected.
Both kidneys, spleen and pancreas are seen inconspicuously.
The aorta abdominalis is usually seen calibrated, in the parts that can be visualized.
No enlarged retroperitoneal glands can be detected.

Hello @nick0912
I’m not a doctor or scientist but reading your ultra scan results, your liver seems normal.
One of the professional members will contact you soon.
I know during my journey of HBV . If I got any pain or illness, I would immediately think it was a symptom of my liver getting damaged. I’m not saying that’s what your pain is, just saying, that’s part of my experience.
After having HBV for forty years, I have learnt that liver damage rarely has physical symptoms. Hepatitis B virus initially makes some people feel sick, aches of joints, fever flu type symptoms. But if you become a carrier or chronic, meaning the virus hasn’t cleared. Symptoms are rare. That’s why the disease is dangerous. Because by the time you get physical symptoms, your liver is severely damaged.
I hope I’ve helped in some way.


Hello Caraline.

Thanks for reply! The docters worte back today aswell for my blood test if you saw them ?

[C-reaktivt protein [CRP] - 1
Bilirubiner;P: 4.8
ALAT: 16
[Laktatdehydrogenase [LDH] : 140
[Basisk fosfatase;P] : 69
[Amylase;P] 55

And they said both the blood test and liver test is normal so they wont do furter for now… wich I feel odd for :frowning: But still happy that my liver looks fine so far…

To buttress your point @Caraline hepb is scary but it is very manageable.though it can be stressful…i discover I have hepb few years back and I started the channel for treatment.i started with tenofovir300mg and the side effects where terrible.i had serious complications but I didn’t give up.i change my doctor and we started another medication and presently am on entecavir 0.5mg and am doing married with kids test result are all saying this just to encourage fellow member that hepb is not a dead sentence try and manage it. look for a knowledge doctor and be proactive.

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Update on my journey… I got it really bad the last 2-4 days, with heavy pain around the liver and Muscles… and not eating… heavy pain, and is still there even If I take painkillers… cant do much more than laying in the bed. Im gonna call the doctor in the morning, as I need them to do something about it now. Now they must take me serious… I cant wait anymore with the pain.

I have 3 Questions for the people.

1: If is Acute HBV, Can it sometimes be more than 6 months? lets said 7, and still resolve?

2: If is going over to chronic, will the symtoms go away when I start on treatment? or is the symtoms only in the “acute” phase" or for life as I have now??

Im really afair to be diagnosis with HBV… but im more afair if i have to live with this symtoms for the rest of my life, and the worst of it all, the stigma…

I thanks again for your time, and hope I get a reply <3

Im really out of my self right now…

Hello @nick0912
Why do you think you have hepatitis Bvirus? Is your sexual encounter with the girl the only reason you think you have HBV?
Because if that’s the only reason, your chances of contracting, HBV are quite low, unless you had violent sex. I have read your previous post, and the only reason I can see that you ccould have contracted. HBV is from the sexual encounter that you had. I’ve had HBV for 40 years. I had a husband who wasn’t vaccinated against HBV. We had unprotected sex on numerous times before he was vaccinated against HBV.
I’m sorry for all the pain and frustration you are going through. Pain is so debilitating and sucks the life out of you.
I hope you have a diagnosis of your illness and are treated quickly.


Hello Caraline.

Thanks for the reply. Yes that is the only reason i could see i got it… oral sex without condom, and sex with condom…

I dont know what it else should be, with alle the symptoms so far. Only time Can tell…

I got a time tomrrow with the doctor.

I just dont understand…

But some part of the day i feel “fine” with minimal pain, and then a other day or part of the day the pain and sickniss is just a other world. Looks like alot of flares is happening atm.

I hope you have success with the doctor.
It could be your digestive system that’s causing this on and off pain.
From your one encounter of sex, it’s unlikely to be HBV, maybe that’s why Doctor hasn’t tested you. He should though just to put your mind at rest.
Are you feeling guilty from your sexual encounter? I Could be wrong and probably am, but I get the impression that you might be Forgive me if I’m wrong or out of place.
Let us know what the doctor says .

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Hello again.

Thanks for your reply, no is not that, but thanks for asking!

But i went to the doctor today, and he Said 100% We should do some test, and one 1 hour later, i did.

They testet for this:

So just waiting for result now.

Dear @nick0912,

Sorry to hear about your experiences and hope you recover soon. Regarding your questions:

The definition of acute is resolution of the infection within 6 months. That said, there is a low chance that chronic infections are resolved.

Antiviral treatment can prevent ongoing liver damage. If this is the cause of your symptoms then they should go away with successful antiviral treatment. There may be other causes of abdominal pain though, as seen in this thread: Upper right quadrant pain.

Hepatitis B can be asymptomatic for decades and only cause symptoms later in life. The majority of people with chronic hep B got it during birth or during childhood, so this is a possibility. Again, the only way to be sure is to get a hep B panel blood test, which you have just gotten. Look forward to hearing back from you soon. Keep us updated!


Thanks for your respons as always Thomas!

The result are already back, and this is it…

Hepatitis C virus-Ab [HCV-Ab]; P


Hepatitis B virus c-IgM [HBc-IgM]; P




Hepatitis B virus e-Ab [Anti-HBe] ; P


Hepatitis B virus e (AG) [HBeAg] ; P


Hepatitis B virus s (Ag) [HBsAg]; P


Hepatitis B virus s-Ab;P (I think that is Anti-HBs ) ?

Came back with 0.54 IU/L

What does all this mean? That I have been expoused to Hepatitis B, and mabye cleared it? or never got it? I dont understand the last one as I never have got the vaccine for HBV with the rest is negativ.

Im still wating for my doctor to call me today…

@ThomasTu @HealthExperts

EDIT: The Doctor called me back, and said I should not be worry at all… he did not said anything else…

On some danish guidelines about S-AB I found this:

Reference interval

Negative: < 1.0 IU/L

Values ​​> 1.0 IU/L and < 10 IU/L are not considered protective.

Values ​​>= 10 IU/L are considered protective.

Hi @nick0912,

Great news that you are negative for Hep B and Hep C. Given your anti-HBs levels are negative, it is worth considering getting a Hep B vaccine course to make sure you are protected and you can rest easy if you have another potential exposure event.



Hi I wanted to introduce myself to the Hep B Community.
I’m Greg I’m a 57 Italian male I live between Italy and USA .
I have been reading HepBcommunity posts for the past few months and just found the courage and strength to post.
on June 29 2023 I was diagnosed with Acute Hepatits B shocked and devastated about the news. I developed anxiety and depression through the rolocaster of waiting
we are now in October 5 months have gone by and although still high my ASL (from 600 to 160) and and AST (from 400 to 70) are slowly going down
, my Viral loads is 170.000.000.
Although I have 1 more month to go to complete the six months ( acute ) given the high numbers and not response with antibodies my doctor wants me to start antivirals (TDF)
I’m upset and depressed I thought I was going to clear the virus but I haven’t. Instead I have this prospect of dark future with medicines, doctors , hospitals, cancer etc. I can’t get out of this by myself and I have started Psychotherapy for support. I feel alone, scared and very insecure about the future. Are you familiar with those feelings and how do you deal? any suggestion?
Thanks you

Dear @Gregory,

Welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your story with us. So sorry to hear about the stressful events in your life, but please rest assured that it gets better over time. We have some threads where people have shared their strategies for coping with these issues:

Please know that you are not alone and there are many people who understand what you’re going through and how difficult it is.

Many of us here have chronic Hepatitis B (myself included) and we can live close to normal lives.

Hope this helps,

Thanks you @ThomasTu for your kind words. It’s very hard to accept harsh realities! I hope with therapy I’ll manage somehow.

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Welcome @Gregory
Sorry you are going through this stressful time of uncertainty. Please try not to project the worst, hepatitis B can be managed well, not leading to cancer, it’s the mind that can be a battlefield.
Try and stay in the moment. Count the blessings in your life. Look at a beautiful sunset or scenery which you would have lots of in Italy. My grandparents were born in Milan, but I’ve never been to Italy.
Breath, deep breathing seems to help me .
Get on with your life. Do the things you have always dreamed of.
My diagnosis was a wake up call. I now enjoy my life and try to not dwell on worst case scenario.
Read all the posts. You are definitely not alone. Your feelings are valid also, but try not to let them run away.
Any questions or anything if you want to vent we are here for you


Thanks you @Caraline I take all the encouragement at moment . Little by little I’ll get out of this depression. It never happened before in my life to feel so insicure and lonely. Nothing exites me, feeling like I’m on an island by myself. I can’t take this situation out of my head even though I try…… just started the therapy I’m on the second day of TDF. Thanks you again for taking the time to reach out to me.