Lifestyle changes, nutrition, and supplements for hep b

Can I ask what information you have about frozen food? I always thought it was good for you, specially frozen veggies.


Thanks for the information

I should have been more specific. Generally, veggies are okay but the rest of frozen foods use lots of sodium as a preservative. Always best to check nutrition info on packages if availableā€¦if not, go online.


Yes, processed frozen meals. Of course!
Thanks for clarifying.


Np. Hiā€¦nice to see a familiar name. Hope youā€™ve been well.


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40 years with HBV??? It gives hope just incase its true.
Anyway at what age did u contract it@caraline??
Just forgive my doubts thanks

About 20. Iā€™m now 63 years old.

Waaaawu. Thumbs up .
Am just in love that word of courage

Sorry, please I just have to put the question here.

Itā€™s regarding diet for HBV patient.
What type of foods should they abstain from?
What type of foods should they consume?

Dear @Johnnie,

As above, thereā€™s no single type of foods that help or hinder. A healthy diet (not too many calories, mainly vegetables, etc.) will help your health in general.


Hi @Johnnie,
I want to add one more thing to what @ThomasTu has mentioned. Avoid alcohol ( a glass occasionally is fine), smoking, or anything that is considered unhealthy behavior. Best, Bansah1

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Just eat as healthy as you can. Other than that try to exercise.

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Yes, completely agree with reduction or stopping alcohol intake!