INTRODUCTION THREAD: People affected by Hep B

If all the symptoms, abdominal pain is the only one I’ve not had. All the rest of the things that they looked for when I was first hospitalized showed up AFTERWARDS. The bloating was bad…had to have 35 lbs of water drained at one point. My private part looked like a coiled up salami. I didn’t recognize my body. I went from 3water pills, 2x20mg and 1x40mg for about 5 months and now I take none!!
Good luck. I have so much to learn from all of you. I don’t know how I’d react to going through this a second time…

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Hello my name is Rex from Malawi am positive, now am feeling sick weak and weight loss,joints pain body inching Brown urine Avery warried no drugs am just living with the virus without any madecation…my problem is I don’t have source of money to buy this medicine even herbs…am dying slowly that’s my story.

Hi @Rex,
I am sorry to hear about your suffering. I really empathize with you and it saddens me when I hear stories like this. I don’t know much about healthcare in Malawi, but are you able to see a doctor who can take a look at you and see what can be done? Bansah1

Hi Rex, :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::pray:t6::pray:t6::pray:t6::pray:t6:…so sorry about this…Is it possible for you to see a doctor there in malawi???..Dont let yourself die slowly, you can fight this if you believe…

Hi Denny (and others interested),

Just to make you aware that we have a regular video chat free for any HBC users to attend and catch up virtually - Virtual Meet - April 2024 - #4 by ThomasTu. Please feel free to register and/or vote for a time that suits you for the next rounds.

Dear @rex,

I’m sorry to hear about your situation. It might be worth reaching out to local groups to help. I found PAWEM (Home) who appear to be supportive of hepatitis causes in Malawi. Can you contact them for help?




Thanks for the virtual meeting invitation. Definitely count me in. I can work my schedule around the meeting time Apr 24. 6am-8pm EST works for me.

Please keep me posted with the time and how to sign up!


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I THINK I’m registered on Doodle now? Can someone check? Sorry, not too tech savvy here…yet

Hi Denny,

I have invited you via Google calendar. Let me know if you didn’t receive it.


Has the facilitator not signed in yet? I’m at my laptop but crickets are chirping …

Thanks for joining @Denny. It was great chatting with you and I definitely recommend more people join us for the next one!


I’m Jo, 43, UK. Found out I had hep B age 7. I wish there had been a forum like this when I was younger so thank you for setting this up.

I’d love to talk openly about having hepb but I worry about the impact on my family (family members have it and want it private) and my son (he doesn’t have it but I’m worried other parents would treat him differently if they knew I have it).

I’ve been readings threads on this forum for a couple of days and I’ve learnt so much already. I’ve mostly ignored the hep B because I’ve felt well but my recent test results have prompted me to try to face what it’s like to have the virus.

Thank you

Dear @josocks,

Welcome to the community and thank you for sharing your experiences. I think many here have been in the same boat as you and hope you find the support you need here to help you negotiate your condition.


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I have a family doctor in Sunyani who can take care of also a Ghanaian with same condition.
I can introduce you to her


Thank you @Gipsy l will be glad if you introduce her to me :pray:how do l contact you? will be waiting for your reply,thank you

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I will contact you to share her contact and introduce you to her.
You can share your email so i contact you once i get through with the my family doctor

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Help me please with tenofovir in us

Hi Everyone,

I hope y’all all doing well! I am Eddy, 30 years old, half albanian half german!
One month ago discovered that i have hepB due to a routine check and not because of any symptoms. However, my mind has been like a rollercoaster in the past month, due to the virus, amount of information i have read online and uncertainty as well since I was not familiar with the topic. Got 3 shots when i was a kid and thought i will never deal with it again but here i am!

The results as of 16.04.2024 show:

HBV DNA 30347 IU/ml
HBs-Ag positiv
HBe-Ag negativ
ALT 57 U/L (range 10-50)
AST 29 U/L (range 10-50)
gGT 36 U/L (range 10-71)
Anti -HBc LgG positiv (rate 2.38)
Anti - HBc LgM negativ (rate 0,38)

I am taking Entecavir 0,5 mg since one month and I agree with her decision considering my viral load and the ALT slightly over the range. Next meeting is gonna be in one month to check the progress. She also run a fibroscan and everything was fine.

So far the antivirals have had no side effects on me and throughout my years i never experienced any sharp pains nor had any other symptoms related to the liver. Right now I just need to deal a bit more with stress since its the beginning and better own my thoughts when it comes to this topic. I have always had a healthy life, no smoking nor heavy drinking, I used to go to gym every day or at least 5 times a week, i love lifting weights, i walk a lot and always get enough sleep. Ofc there is still room to make a healthier lifestyle!

I have got lots of questions in my mind but to beginn with, here are three of them:

  1. Can someone please explain to me what does the amount of Anti HBc LgG mean? Mine is 2.38.

  2. Is there any correlation btw HBV DNA and HBsAg (both in quantitative) when it comes to increase/decrease of one of them? I mean are they proportionally correlated?
    For instance: a high HBV DNA does it speaks also for a high/very high HBsAg or not? Or otherwise.

  3. Is it relevant to ask my doctor for a quantitative evaluation of my HBsAg and other antibodies?

Thank you very much in advance for your responses and thanks for accepting me!


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Hi Eddy
Welcome to HBV community forum .
1.Anti HBc IgG is the antibody respond that indicate the patients are infected with HBV and the body immune system produces antibody against core protein which is the inner structural protein that protect DNA of virus.Anti HBc is not protective antibody and persist lifelong in HBV exposed/infected persons due to the persistence of cccDNA which produces core protein by translating m RNA . Your amount of anti HBc IgG is 2.38 which is the log 10 number and means that you have low titer of antibody consistent with your HBV profiles which show HBeAg negative and your liver profiles show mild liver injury from elevated ALT.
2 In CHB patients with HBeAg negative, there is no correlation between HBV DNA and HBs Ag because HBsAg mostly produces from integrated HBV DNA in hepatocyte chromosomes but HBV DNA only produces from cccDNA so it is not parallel due to different sources of production.
3 You can ask your doctor about q HBsAg but I think its value may not help anything for consideration of cessation antiviral therapy and use combination with other viral bio markers eg. HBcrAg,HBV RNA .
I hope this may help you understand your HBV disease clearly.


@ThomasTu do you have that one screenshot of the hbv genotypes and their prevalence, I tried looking for it and unable to find it.

Hi All,

My name is Lim 41 year-old, I am from Malaysia and have lived with Hepatitis B since I was kid.
Every year I just do a liver function test and ultrasound scan.

I did not know I should test HBV DNA until last year, so I did my first ever HBV DNA test last Dec, it was 47,100 IU/ml and it is first time I visit a gastroenterologist.
However, my ALT 23 U/L and AST 22 U/L on the same report. So no antiviral for now.

Then I started to exercise 3 months ago by running 2-4km every 2 days.
My latest ALT become 39 U/L and AST become 29 U/L. No test on HBV DNA.

Actually, I don’t even know there is a antiviral for HBV after being a HBV carrier for years.

It has been hard for me since I knew my HBV DNA test result.
Sometime hopeless sometime not. Sigh