He kept his HepB status a secret

Hi Jimmy. I’m so glad everything worked out for you and your wife and that you now have a healthy daughter together. Has your wife been safe and free from infection since your relationship began?

@Anon23, my wife has remained negative for over 3years after our wedding. I understand that feeling of fear of passing the virus to your loved one. But your best bet is her vaccination.


Founder/Team Lead,
Hepatitis Advocacy Foundation
Community Advisory Board (CAB),
Hepatitis B Foundation.


That’s good to know! Apologies, I had asked the question then read further down to see elsewhere on the thread you noted that after several years your wife was still negative :slight_smile: Absolutely, vaccination is the best bet but I guess there’s always that slight fear of still passing on the infection. However, the more I read, the less likely that seems to be possible


Dear @Anon2023

I became pregnant with my future husband. He had not been vaccinated. But was vaccinated within the year.
We went on to have another child and stayed married for 18 years. Children and husband remain negative.
Hope this helps.


Hi Vera…
Am new here and been reading through everything on here and learning, so today i read about this, first am very sorry this happened to you… Its true African women can easily accept and nurse their partners than African men, they can never and its sad to see no matter the information they get about the disease, its very sad… well lastly, was curious to know if he came around or not but well you can share that if your ready darling…but we are together in this and i understand the feeling well…

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Hello, thanks for your concern… yes He came around, we did a test, he tested negative and has started vaccine. Still trusting God in the process

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Hi @Vera,
That is wonderful news to hear. Keep on encouraging and help him understand the disease. We all need health education from time to time. Best, bansah1.

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