Creatine Safety

Hi Everyone,

I’m interested in supplementing with Creatine for the muscle/workout benefits and was wondering if it’s safe. I lift heavy 5 days a week and am always looking to improve my performance.


Welcome to the forum, @Erin.b!

Mayo clinic seems to suggest it is safe (Creatine - Mayo Clinic), though there have been some case reports about it being potentially dangerous to the liver in some people (Cholestatic liver injury associated with whey protein and creatine supplements - PubMed, I could not find any information for specific interactions with Hep B though.


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Thanks so much Thomas!

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Hi @Erin.b

How is your liver doing after supplementing creatine?
I also want to take it

Hi @Arb,

No major changes in my liver health since I started supplementing with it, however everyone is highly individual and I would consult your dr. before taking it.

Best Regards.

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Thank you for the feedback. But please also check kidneys to make sure all is right