White blood count mch mcv

what does low white blood cell count
high mch
high mcv
mean for hep b patients?

My lab states that
white blood cell count is low 2.7 (normal range 3.8 to 10.8)
mch is high 33.4 ( normal range 27 to 33)
mcv is high 100.5 ( normal range 80 to 100)

Is this pattern similar to most hep b patients?

low white blood cells could mean infection for hep b but my alt and ast is in low 10’s so there is no inflammation present. in fact, my white blood cell count has been chronically low. I wonder if this is just genetic and my body simply does not produce enough white blood cells.

I’m mostly vegan, trying to incorporate some animal products occasionally though to improve my situation.

Hi @catcher.007,

I think it’s hard to say without your medical history what else might be going on, so I think it’s best to talk to your health provider about this, particularly if you’re concerned about it.
