Virtual meet-up session - November 2021

Hi all,

I thought we could have another virtual meet-up session before the year ends. Please choose ALL the time slots that you might be able to make it to maximise the number of people in the final chat.

Same deal as last time, put your name as your username. Don’t forget to login so that it’s in the right time zone for you:



Thanks to all who responded. The most number of people can participate at 2021-11-19T22:30:00Z2021-11-20T00:00:00Z. I’ve sent out invitations with the appropriate details. Anyone who wants to join and didn’t get an Email, please message me.


When is this. Please include me

Hi there owasike,

Welcome to hepbcommunity. Thank you for your interest in the virtual meetup. As Thomas showed in the post above yours, the meetup is on November 19th. I believe the 2:30-4pm is PST. I do not know what that would be in your time zone.

Thomas will most probably see your post but just to be sure, you can always message him @ThomasTu to make sure he specifically knows that you want to attend. Then he can send you an invite via email.

Glad to see you on the forums and hope you will be able to attend the virtual meetup.


Missed it. I had Austria and not Australia in my google search. 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻 Freaking auto correct. It would have been cool. Hope it was good.

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Oh no, that’s a shame. I didn’t see anyone there this morning, except for @hope4us. We had a nice conversation anyway, but hope to have a few more people joining in next time.

We hope to have the next one in late January or February, given how busy December can be.


Hi Thomas

I was hoping to make it today but my kids had soccer matches. Hopefully I can make it next time. Thanks for taking the time to organise it!

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Hey Johnny,

I had a prior commitment so I was not able to make it either. I would suggest that when you do the Doodle Poll, that you register and create an account. Then go into your account settings and set it to your time zone. That way, all the Doodle Poll voting times are shown in your time zone.

Then, when Thomas sends out the email invite, you can have it added to your calendar and it will add it in your time zone.

Hope to see as many of you as possible at the next virtual meetup!


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Thanks Paul! Will do. Hope. All is well. Wishing you a good thanksgiving



You too Johnny and everyone else that celebrates it, Happy Thanksgiving!


Dear Thomas;
I am sorry for missing this virtual meeting, is there any video record available about the meeting and discussion.

I am mostly interested in medicine for HB, are there any new medicine coming up and the side effect of Vemlidy, etc.

Happy Thanksgiving Holiday


Hi @bz1992uk,

Welcome to the forum and no problem about missing the meet-up. We have these meetings every 1 or 2 months to informally catch up with whoever is around. Hope you can join the next one.

These aren’t recorded, it really is a round-table “catch up at the pub” sort of conversation rather than anything specific. But definitely raise your questions at the next meet-up or here in the forum.


A post was split to a new topic: Virtual Meet-up Session - February 2022