Virtual Meet - April 2024

Hi everyone,
I hope you have all had a nice holiday break! We have decided to make the virtual meets every 6 months now. For those who are interested in attending, I’ve included a link to the doodle poll below.
All the times on the Doodle Poll are in AEST time.

The topic for this virtual meet is: Naturopathy & Alternative Medicine

It will just be an informal virtual meet just to chat, discuss anything and get to know each another. Please choose all the times that you will be available, so we are able to select the most suitable time. Remember to put in your name as your username.
If you would like to remain anonymous but still attend the virtual meet, you can turn off your camera in the zoom meeting.

Thank you and hope to see you there!

Hi everyone,
Just a reminder that you still have plenty of time to register for the April Virtual Meet. If you are still interested, please click on the Doodle poll link above to vote on times you are able to attend.


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Hi everyone,

The virtual meet-up will be on Friday 19th April from 9:30am - 10:30am AEST time (AUS).

Please ensure that you check the date and times carefully

If there is anyone else who would like to join the virtual meet-up and hasn’t already voted in the doodle poll for this time slot, please privately message me and I will send you via email the Zoom invite for this virtual meet-up.


Thanks @Mylisa! Looking forward to anyone who would like to join and have a casual chat by video conference. No need to provide your name or have your video on if you don’t feel like it.