Hello to everyone!
You can call me Bubi. I am 57 years old. My husband had acute infection with HB in 2001. He recovered soon and has HbsAg negative. I was tested and according to results was referred to vaccination.
Two yers later, I became pregnant. I was tested and my test was HbsAg negative. In 2004, I have delivered beautiful girl who was not received anything. She was vaccinated at age 6th, according to national program.
However, in 2017 I was tested again and have HbsAg negative, anti Bs and anti Bc reactive with appropriate amount, which means that I had also got in touch with virus in the past. It was told me that further action is not needed and we all consider that we were on safe side.
Now my girl is 20 and she has a boyfriend and I got completely panic. What if transmission of virus has happened during delivery…if so, there is high probability that she is carrying virus.
In order to prevent to spread infection further we decided to tell her of that probability. We are going to take test next week.
She is currently very sad, afraid and disappointed. I am very panic, depressed and crying all the time….
If I was HbsAg negative and anti Bs and anti Bc reactive at pregnancy time, what are chance of transmission during delivery.
Than you so much in advance.
Dear @Bubica,
Great to meet you and thanks for sharing your experiences. Given this information, the likelihood that she would be positive due to you transmitting to her during birth is negligible.
For peace of mind, it would be best to make sure that her anti-HBs levels are at a protective level, so that you know that she would not become chronic if exposed in future.
Hope this helps,
Dear Thomas,
Thank you so much for your support. She will be tested next week and I truly hope she will be ok…
Dear Thomas!
I feel I need to inform you of test results of my girl!
Test results showed that she has appropriate antibodies from vaccine and there was no transmission of virus.
I cannot explain how happy I am!
Thank you very much for your support through this community.
I wish all the best to all of you!
Regards, B
That’s great news, @Bubica! I’m so glad for her and for you to have such relief from that constant worry!