Taking entcavir different time

I used to take My entcavir the same time everyday lately I couldn’t make it home on time sometimes 10 to 15 minutes late sometimes I get home one hour early as soon I get home I take my med by not taking my medication the same time make ALT test high? My recent ALT lab results gets high is any one has this experience?

Hi @Maamush,
Welcome to the community. I don’t think missing the timing one or twice should be a problem. A suggestion, try and see if you can get a small pill box at the pharmacy or on Amazon, put your pill in it and take it with you. This way you have it and can take it on your usual time wherever you find yourself. Try this and see if it helps. Best, Bansah1.

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Greetings @Bansah1,

Please does the change with the times we take TDF or antivirals affects its effectiveness or the timing does not matters as far as one takes the medication daily as instructed ?

Because I used take my antivirals from 7-9pm but I noticed it disturbs my sleep time like i wake up to urinate so I change my time to 5pm - 7pm and my sleeping pattern is better now.

Thank you so much for your time and response.

The timing could be important but not as taking the medicine. In my opinion, CONSISTENCY is the key. I hope this helps. Thanks, Bansah1

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Thank you so much for your answer. Yes please your reply was really helpful.

Have a great day.

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Thank you all for the response, that what I thought too , I have to figure out why my ALT jump from 32~35 range to 67

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Hi @Maamush,

I agree with the other posters that 10-15 minutes difference does not have a meaningful impact on the level of virus suppression. If your ALT continues to be elevated over multiple readings, it is worth looking at other causes of the liver injury.


Thank you so much for your response I noticed vinegar oil mix kind of stool it looks like fat mal absorption I don’t know what causes that ?

This is a bit out of the scope of the expertise of forum, as this is not something that is associated with Hep B. There are likely other issues that may be causing this and the best approach would be to see your doctor about this. They will be able to do the physical examinations and further tests you need to figure out what might be the underlying cause.
