Hi - I was just curious to see if anyone else here has chronic or recurring skin issues. I have psoriasis which started about 4 years ago (my hep b was not active then, and my doctors said they don’t see any reason why it is related).
I have been trying to see if there is a relationship between when my psoriasis flares to my lab results fluctuating but so far no connection that I can pinpoint. I know that liver damage can cause some skin stuff, not specifically psoriasis, but wanted to see if anyone else here has experiences. Thanks!
Je suis un marocain âgé de 59 an, j’ai d’hépatite B, en 2008 le fibo-test ayant entre F3 et F4, monmedcin me recommander un traitement de pygacis 180 mg ( interféron), 48 injection , une par semaine, pendant un année.
Après un mois de traitement, le psoriasis est apparu dans l’ensemble de mon corps, plusieurs crèmes, sans résultats,
Après plusieurs recherches , j’ai trouvé que la cause d’apparition de psoriasis est l’interféron.
Après juste la fin de traitement, la psoriasis est disparue définitivement.
I ve had skin issues here and there. I noticed when my diet is bad or just “regular”, meaning eat what I want, I get real itchy and red spots show up whenever I get hot. When I am very mindful of what I eat, meaning very minimal sugar and processed foods, in about a week of eating right and exercising, my skin issues are not there.
Please change your diet and minimize your food intake. For about a month and see if it helps