NEW FEATURE = Verified Expert badges

Hi all,

We’ve just added an additional feature to the forum: Expertise badges.

There is just so much information out there about HBV that it becomes hard to know who to trust. We at Hep B Connect are trying to make it easier to navigate through the deluge of information by highlighting trustworthy voices.

We have instituted badges showing that the moderator/administration staff have verified that a user has formal expertise in science or health matters. You can access these simply by clicking any given user’s profile picture.

Here’s an example of someone with verified health expertise (for example, a doctor, nurse, or allied health staff member):

And here’s an example of a verified science expert (for example, a virologist, cancer scientist, or drug researcher):

If you want to be verified, please contact myself or a moderator with evidence of your qualifications.

Hope this helps the community stay well-informed.


P.S. I have since corrected the typos in the descriptions.

P.P.S. Also, anyone who ous granted expert status can put it in as a subtitle of their username by going into their profile settings and selecting the appropriate description in their “title” drop down menu

I’ve added a little icon in the corner of profile pictures to make experts a little more obvious.

Also, any forum user can mention these groups by @'ing them (e.g. @ScienceExperts or @HealthExperts). This will notify the experts in these groups and bring their attention to your post if you have some need for specific knowledge on your question.


Great idea Thomas,
Apologies I am a little late to exploring the platform properly.
Looks like you have made some good progress :slight_smile: :smiley:

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Thanks Kristen and welcome to the forum! Glad to have you on-board with your expertise.


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For someone who has no clinical health background.
Could we add a glossary of medical specialists / science experts - and what part they play with Hep B please?


  • General Practitioner GP - mainly diagnosis the medical condition and refers you to ?
  • Hepatologist
  • Gastroenterologist
  • Infectious Disease Specialist
  • Virologist
  • Epidemiologist
  • Oncologist

Definitely a great idea @JOANNEinAUS, I’ll put this in my to-do list.


You are really doing good for group Thomas.
Be blessed.

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Thanks alot Thomas. I look forward to doing even much better.

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