Need help interpret father hep b lab results

Hi everyone, I hope you all have a great weekend.
Here is the test result for my father in-law hep b lab results.

We haven’t heard anything back from the doctor’s office yet, and I’m not sure what all of this means.
Can anyone help me interpret these results in the meantime? Thank you.

Hi Jason 2024

Regarding to your father’s results of HBV profile,it showed HBs Ag +ve , anti HBs +ve , anti HBc IgM -ve . That means your father had coexistence of HBs Ag and anti HBs with chronic HBV after exclusion of acute HBV with anti HBc IgM -ve.
First of all , we should consider about false positive results because this event is rarely occurred in immune response to HBV infection. You may repeat with another different laboratory studies to confirm the results.
If it showed the same results, I think that your father had paradoxical HBsAg and anti HBs coexisting positive. This may be due to mutation of the S gene in cccDNA which produces HBsAg resulting in abnormalities of HBsAg that the body immune system (anti HBs ) cannot neutralize it. The causes of mutations of S gene may be due to selective pressure from our body immune systems, antiviral drugs or genetic host factors. Another way to help in diagnosis is HBV viral load , if it shows positive , that means the HBs Ag is true positive because both are produced from cccDNA.
You should consult with your doctor about laboratory results interpretation and plan for management. I hope this may help you .

Hi @Jason2024,

Best to wait for the discussion with your doctor, but there are several possibilities:

  1. your father in law is in the process of undergoing clearance of his HBV infection, which could be matched with a rising anti-HBs antibody response at the same time as HBsAg still being present.

  2. It could be a typographical error: the title seems to suggest “Hepatitis B virus core AB”, while the test says Hep B Surface AB

  3. It could be a false positive (either HBsAg or anti-HBs).

I would try to seek clarification of what the test is actually looking at, and get some re-testing of Anti-HBc (total), HBsAg, and anti-HBs (with units) to be really sure what’s happening.

Hope this helps,

thank you so much, I’ll get him a GI soon

thank you Mr. Tu, I think I’ll get him a GI and have ask for all the tests to be re-done.