Lifestyle changes, nutrition, and supplements for hep b

Is this a good for your liver? Have this been discussed in the past?

I found it on this site:

And this is how they explain it:

Remember to take a good liver formula like LivaTone Plus everyday to help protect your liver against toxins including alcohol. We recommend a powerful liver tonic that contains the herb milk thistle, B vitamins, NAC, glutathione, taurine, selenium and antioxidants.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

Hi @nass,

I think there is no evidence I have seen that this works for hep B or any other liver disease. It is also being promoted by the person who invented them (and presumably profits from their sale). I cannot see that they have published any scientific articles supporting their claims.

Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s safe when combined with other medications you may be taking. Also, as mentioned in previous posts, thereā€™s no guarantee that supplements like this have the ingredients on the pack because they are under much less scrutiny and laws compared to actual medicine.

I personally would give them a miss.



Agreedā€¦ Too good to be trueā€¦
The only thing I start taking without My Dr approval is ā€¦ Vitamin D3ā€¦especially the vegan one!! But will share with him at my next visitā€¦



This is misinformation. The best way to protect the liver against toxins like alcohol is not drinking alcohol.


Hi Olga,

I just wanted to chime in and say that I have had low vitamin D for longer than I know. However, about a year ago or so, I had my PCP have me tested and they have had me on vitamin D supplements ever since. I had a suspicion it was correlated with HBV, so this information is interesting.

Thank You,



Hi @Nass

I am battling with HepB for many years now. I have been on Drug around 6 years till now and ongoing.

Recently I found that I lack of Vitamin D. I started to consume 1Tbsp of Cod Liver Oild daily for a few days now. I see on internet everyone recommend Cod Liver Oil.

Do you have any experience related to Vitamin D in Cod Liver Oil. Will it increase vitamin D in our body? I am kind of stuck because Vitamin D is not present much in food. The only good source is exposed to Sun.

Or does anyone here have good advice on how to increase Vitamin D in our body?


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Hi Senhour

I am not sure about the difference between cod oil vs fish oilā€¦but they both seem to have equal benefitsā€¦but I believe fish oil is the preferred oneā€¦

For meā€¦ Couple months agoā€¦I started using Vegan based Vit D3 pill ā€¦5000iuā€¦it really works goodā€¦cause my numbers are coming upā€¦

Take care

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Hi @Nass

Can you share the brand name? I would take it to consult my doctor.


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Here is the picā€¦ I am not sure if you have sprouts at your locationā€¦

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Im in shock. Wow, who would of thoughtā€¦Thanks Thomas for sharing this.
Definitely staying away from Turmeric supplements.
I love the spice and use often.

My vitamin D blood test is above average.
I get sun every day. Walking to work, busy out in the garden. I love the sun. Although I need to be careful not to burn.


Hi @senhour ,

I think I mentioned this in a previous post but maybe it wasnā€™t to you. My doctor has me on a prescription Vitamin D3. But itā€™s only 50mcg and itā€™s a generic for Calciferol.

The reason they do a prescription is because I am on some medication that you are not supposed to be in direct sunlight or heat for more than short periods at a time. Can you believe that? I canā€™t remember which of the zillion meds I am on that actually has an interaction with heat and sunlight. I will have to remember to ask my doctor which one(s) it is.

I am sure there are a lot of Vitamin D supplements that are worthwhile and not very expensive. I think I read somewhere that you lose some of the supplement through many variables based on our specific bodies, metabolism, digestion, absorption, etc. Obviously, being outdoors under the sun is the best method, but precluding that, a supplement is pretty easy.


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Hi @Caraline

I think Sun is the best source. Recently in my country is raining season. Not much sun. I also leave home early to work and back at dawn. Not really exposed to sun. I think this is one of the factor that lead me to decrease Vitamin D.

Hi @PuallyHBV

Thank you. I try exposed my whole body ( shirtless ) by sitting and do some small chores to early sunrise for two days now. Around 7-9 am in the morning.

I donā€™t know what it really does inside the body but it really make me feel good. I am going to try my best for the exposure. As well I will get local Vitamin D and will monitor blood again in next few months.



I can drinking 1-2 beer when I have hepatiB with good results?

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Dear @markRAD,

Thereā€™s a bit more discussion about alcohol here: Vices - alcohol marijuana etc - #2 by ThomasTu



Dr. Thomas, aside from antivirals, are you taking some herbal medicine?..Do you know something that can boost the immune system doc?

Dear @iamjen,

No, no herbal medicines at all. As mentioned in the above thread, these can be very variable because thereā€™s no checks in place to make that the contents of herbal medicines are consistent or accurate in what they are. There is also no solid evidence that have clinically significant effects, so I donā€™t bother.

If you are taking herbal medicines, it is important to tell your doctor as some of them can interact with your other medications and cause liver injury.



Without taking any HBV antivirals?

Thanks on the Cofee issue! I will add it to my diet.