Lifestyle changes, nutrition, and supplements for hep b

My vitamin D blood test is above average.
I get sun every day. Walking to work, busy out in the garden. I love the sun. Although I need to be careful not to burn.


Hi @senhour ,

I think I mentioned this in a previous post but maybe it wasn’t to you. My doctor has me on a prescription Vitamin D3. But it’s only 50mcg and it’s a generic for Calciferol.

The reason they do a prescription is because I am on some medication that you are not supposed to be in direct sunlight or heat for more than short periods at a time. Can you believe that? I can’t remember which of the zillion meds I am on that actually has an interaction with heat and sunlight. I will have to remember to ask my doctor which one(s) it is.

I am sure there are a lot of Vitamin D supplements that are worthwhile and not very expensive. I think I read somewhere that you lose some of the supplement through many variables based on our specific bodies, metabolism, digestion, absorption, etc. Obviously, being outdoors under the sun is the best method, but precluding that, a supplement is pretty easy.


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Hi @Caraline

I think Sun is the best source. Recently in my country is raining season. Not much sun. I also leave home early to work and back at dawn. Not really exposed to sun. I think this is one of the factor that lead me to decrease Vitamin D.

Hi @PuallyHBV

Thank you. I try exposed my whole body ( shirtless ) by sitting and do some small chores to early sunrise for two days now. Around 7-9 am in the morning.

I don’t know what it really does inside the body but it really make me feel good. I am going to try my best for the exposure. As well I will get local Vitamin D and will monitor blood again in next few months.



I can drinking 1-2 beer when I have hepatiB with good results?

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Dear @markRAD,

There’s a bit more discussion about alcohol here: Vices - alcohol marijuana etc - #2 by ThomasTu



Dr. Thomas, aside from antivirals, are you taking some herbal medicine?..Do you know something that can boost the immune system doc?

Dear @iamjen,

No, no herbal medicines at all. As mentioned in the above thread, these can be very variable because there’s no checks in place to make that the contents of herbal medicines are consistent or accurate in what they are. There is also no solid evidence that have clinically significant effects, so I don’t bother.

If you are taking herbal medicines, it is important to tell your doctor as some of them can interact with your other medications and cause liver injury.



Without taking any HBV antivirals?

Thanks on the Cofee issue! I will add it to my diet.

Thank you sir @ThomasTu .Lately I have been thinking of buying supplements/herbal that could boost immune system. So i think now, I will not consider it as part of my medication. More power to all virologist, hepatologist, immunologist, and all the health and science expert, who are working really hard to give us comfort and possible cure that we are all waiting for. God bless you all



Hi everyone

I do some research on supplement and found that there some recommendations for helping liver function and prevent liver damage such as

  1. Choline ( supplement)
  2. Sulphoraphan ( supplement)
  3. Glutathione ( found in cruciferous vegetables)
  4. Nutritional Yeast ( supplement which high in Vitamin B )
  5. Wheat Germ Oil ( supplement which high in Vitamin E )

Do you have experience taking these supplement? Is that safe for Hepatitis B patient?

Hope to get some experience from people here


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Hi @senhour,

As mentioned in the posts above, supplements in generally have not been shown to improve health significantly (unless you are malnourished). I’m not aware of any studies showing these particular ones help.

Supplements are difficult to recommend because there is usually no testing to make sure what is inside really is what it says on the packaging.



I am thing about beginning to eat more of these for protein and body building purposes. Is there anything you think I need to know or be careful of based on personal experience or evidence you read somewhere?

  1. Hemp seeds
  2. Brown Eggs (someone told egg not good for hb liver patient)
  3. Wild Salmon fish
  4. Chicken Breast
  5. Pumpkin seeds

Drink Pomegranate juice
Almond milk

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Hi @Labu,

While I am not a nutritionist or medical doctor, these sound fine to eat for most people.



Hello dear all,

I was diagnosed two months ago, apparently with inactive phase. I used to drink alcohol and smoke some cigarettes. After I found my hbv, I immediately quit smoking and drinking, and changed my diet by limiting fat, sodium and sugar, carbo( decreased to half or less than half of before). I started drinking 2.5 or 3 liters of water per day and using at least one fruit everyday.

My previous Alt was normal with 27 , and this month it was 18.

I want to ask you, do you miss burgers? Or cokes?
How can you deal with it, sometimes thinking of never can we have it annoys me.

Can we occasionally drink a beer?What about non-alcoholic beer? Or some other foods or other things? Please if occasionally is ok explain how often do you mean? For example each 3months?

I really liked many foods and used to eat them. but now, after two months, it’s really annoying and I cant imagine such a limitation forever.

I have an idea. Let’s think about our habits of eating(those are not very healthy) and what is the options to replace them. For example: I used to drink beer every week, now I try a non-alcoholic( it is a hypothtic case).

What do you think?

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Dear @IWillBeCured,

Great job with taking the steps to change your lifestyle for your health. I understand how this can feel limiting.

I think the amount that each type of food affects your health is different for each person, so it is difficult to answer questions like “can you occasionally drink a beer?”.

I myself drink the occasional (once every 2 months on average) beer, but am mainly drinking non-alcoholic beers now. There are a lot of options available now here in Australia, and some of them even taste good (not that different to the alcoholic kind)!

To me, it is better to make lifestyle changes you know that you can maintain and try to achieve your end goal with constant incremental improvements. Be kind to yourself as you are trying to change habits that have grown used to over years and maybe decades.

Your idea of suggesting alternates is a great one, happy for you to start a separate thread on this.



Every doctor I’ve seen had prescribed some supplements along with the either antiviral. I wonder if any have been proven to be effective?
Do you take anything else other than the antiviral regularly?

In general, I don’t think there is any hard evidence that supplements do anything, unless you have been diagnosed with a specific deficiency in something. One thing that seems to be linked with good liver health outcomes is coffee, though we still don’t understand why.

Hope this helps,


I found an interesting research study about nutrition adding to HepB patient

I hope this study will help adding to our daily life to more conscious about nutrition while on treatment or for some people who don’t have budget support for treatment this can be beneficial.

Here is the link to the study.