Is there any chance of transmission of HBV from a person to non vaccinated sex partner if the PCR of infected person is negative but HBsAG and HBeAg are positive?

Is there any chance of transmission of HBV from a person to non vaccinated sex partner if the PCR of infected person is negative but HBsAG and HBeAg are positive? Can it be transmitted through oral sex?

Dear @anonymous58,

There could still be a chance of transmission, even though it is low in this case given the negative PCR results for HBV DNA.


Can you please elaborate it more for me when the male is infected but the female is non-infected. Thank you

Hi @anonymous58,

In either case, the likelihood of transmission is very low.


Hi @ThomasTu.

I was wondering if you could be of any help to me. Im unsure how to post my own discussion so I am posting here.
Me and my girlfriend are both in the acute phase of hbv and have both been to see a doctor. This has occurred through an occupational exposure at work. Doctors have reassured us that it is unlikely to become chronic and that no treatment is required. However, we are unsure whether we can still continue to have sex while both in the acute phase or will we continue to infect eachother if we have no antibodies yet and therefore increase the likelihood of progression to chronic disease.

We have both been reading up and see that there is a 10% chance of becoming chronic which we both still see as a big enough chance. Is there anything that might affect this? I have psoriasis and worry that this may have an impact on my immune system and my ability to clear the virus. Also are there any other tips to avoid this from happening. We understand that avoiding alcohol is a big one.

Any help on the above two paragraphs would be appreciated so much. Thank you.

Hi @Johnjoe123,

I am not sure there is much known about the risks of this particular scenario. However, if you have both been exposed and infected, then I would expect that there’s no additional risk of exposure between you too.

The effect of autoimmune diseases on whether people become chronic or not has not been thoroughly researched, but I have not seen any studies linking the two.

Hope this helps a little,