INTRODUCTION THREAD: People affected by Hep B

Hi Titobissau
Welcome to hepb community where like minded people live for one another.
Your feelings are not unique to you but to almost every body after discovering their hepb condition. With time and sharing all bad feelings fade and we become resistant to stigma and we become educators.


I am so sorry that you lost your parents. How old were they. Pls don’t feel obligated to respond. Did they know about their HBV status?

Hi all. I found this forum a while ago but I just dared to actually join. I am originally from Mexico but I have been living in Europe and the UK since 2015.

I was diagnosed with Hep B in February after having elevated ALT (700). I started feeling unwell in around November 2022 but because I thought I had been vaccinated as a child, the doctors tested for other things and my diagnosis actually took months!

I tested for Hep A, B, C and E in December 2022 but somehow the NHS doctors lost my results for Hep B so I had to retest in late January.

In my confirmatory tests in February I had a virus load of 92340 iu/mL. I was originally told this was a chronic case by my GP which led me to feel very anxious and depressed. She was very definite with her answer and basically told me that I was chronic and that was it.

After I spoke with 3 liver specialists (2 private from Mexico because I didn’t want to wait months for the NHS) and they all told me that it was very likely an accute infection. Discussing my medical history, they said that I had been infected via unprotected sex most likely. They also mentioned that I had a good possibility of clearing the infection because the results showed a decline in ALT (I went from 700, to 90, to 50) between early Dec 2022 and February 2023.

I was told I needed to retest in May/June and I just received some test results from last week. I still have a viral load of 9000 iu/mL. My ALT is 31 now. To be honest, I thought by now I wouldn’t have any viral load at all…

I am waiting for the rest of the test results and from a letter from the consultant but I am finding it really difficult to be patient with these results.

I am hoping that my body has been able to clear the infection, but all the waiting and not knowing I think is affecting my mental health a lot.

Thank you all who participate in this forum. It has been really helpful to read you all, even in the background.



Hi Ale92,
Welcome to the platform. Thanks for sharing more about yourself with us. Based on what you shared, it seems its still too early to determine whether your infection is chronic or acute. Its been 3 months since your last test and you need another test at the 6 month mark or so. Which you mentioned you have done recently. I understand you are worried, but be rest assured that about 90% of adults who are exposed to the virus clears it. And from your numbers going down seem to be heading in that direction. Your new test results will really tell us more. It is easy for me to say, but try to breathe to release the tension and anxiety of not knowing what your results are. Take in deep breathes and try not to over stress yourself. It is not easy I understand, but try doing something you like ( a walk, biking, swimming etc) to help take your mind off things for a few hours or a day. Let us know when you get your new results and our experts might be able to offer a more complete insight on it.
Thanks, Bansah1

Thanks @Bansah1. I am waiting for the results. Hopefully I can share good news with you all next week. -A


A post was split to a new topic: Alternative medicines and “cures” for Hepatitis B

Dear @ale92,

Welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your story. I am glad you chose to join the conversation and I’m so sorry about what you have been through.

If you had originally been diagnosed in Jan 2023 and are still positive, then it is likely that this is a chronic infection. However, it is good that you are able to now know about it (it is not common, only 10% of people with Hep B know it) and therefore do something about it. It is a condition that can be managed and many of us live relatively normal lives.

Please keep us up to date with your journey as you go along and hope you find the support you need on this forum.


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Thanks for the warm welcome @ThomasTu . This whole diagnosis has been the worst emotional rollercoaster because of the conflicting information I have received from healthcare professionals, the waiting times plus what I’ve been reading online about the disease.

I received further details of my results and I’m very confused. The nurse from the NHS recommended another round of testing in 3 months but I spoke with a specialist and they told me that at this point it is very likely that I will continue to test positive. Can someone please have a look at the results and give more information about the B e antigen and B e antibody? I feel so frustrated that only 5-10% of adults develop CHB and yet my body couldn’t find the infection… I don’t want to feel like I still need to wait 3 more months just to be disappointed again.

These are the results of the markers (at least looks like my liver is ok)

Hepatitis B markers
Microbiology: Hepatitis B surface antigen POSITIVE
Hepatitis B core antibody POSITIVE
Hepatitis B core IgM Not detected
Hepatitis Be antigen POSITIVE
Hepatitis Be antibody POSITIVE

Hepatitis B viral load:
9020 IU/mL

LiverFunction tests
Total Bilirubin 8
Alkaline Phosphatase 79
Alanine Transaminase 33

Thanks to all who participate in this community :sparkling_heart:

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Hi fawole pls which city are you in Nigeria am in kwara state and finding it hard to locate a hepatologist.thanks

Hello Ridollah,my name is olamide am from Nigeria as well pls can n you share the what’s up group number so as to join many thanks

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Hello @Dell , I stay in Ibadan, you can check UCH in Ibadan or the Unilorin teaching hospital

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Welcome @ale92
I can’t answer your questions and I’m sorry you are in limbo.
I’ve been CHB for approximately 40 years.
Physically hasn’t stopped me from doing anything. Married with 3 children.
One of the health experts will get back to you.
Yes, it sucks that we are the 10%. But we now have treatment to stop/slow down liver cancer. And the treatment isn’t harsh like some other treatments eg;chemotherapy.
@ThomasTu @availlant @Joan_Block @john.tavis ??


Dear @ale92,

Unfortunately, your test results indicate that your HBV infection meets the definition for chronic infection: IgM antibodies for the hepatitis core antigen are the marker for acute infection and these are no longer present.

Your HBV DNA has declined (but still present at a significant level) and your liver infection (ALT) has also improved (also signs of the transition from acute to chronic infection). This is because your body has been able to partially control the infection to a level where the inflammation in your liver has mostly disappeared.

You should continue to be monitored every 3-6 months to see how your infection is doing and you may wish to discuss treatment options with your doctor.

It is very important to take heed of @Caraline’s excellent comments. CHB is NOT a death sentence and you can lead a full, productive and happy life. Please do not despair!

Good luck!


Sorry but now you know for sure and don’t need to wait the three months.
Welcome to our world
Take time to process this information but don’t overthink it. It can be a positive turning point in your life. It was for me. I made positive changes. Learning about CHB, which as you say is conflicting information. This group is the best because we have health professionals who have dedicated themselves to help us. Some even have CHB themselves.
Eat well there is a link in our group on that.?
Lower your stress. Our liver reacts to stress in a negative way.
Find a good doctor. Get tested twice a year, blood test and ultrasound.
And stay happy. Sounds simple doesn’t it? Blessings to you


Hi Juliet, I went through the same trauma you experianced. I was emotionaly and mentaly depressed for several years. I was disowend by close friends includuding my wife who ones tried to falsely break my heart when she got fed-up with me saying " i got HB" . I thought it was normal to tale about yourself to people until one person yeld at me " you are crazy " . Since then I started to withdrow my selfe and live more independently with my kids as a fried besides me. Prejudce and stigmas are out there as far as some one news health condtion. An east african proverb says " a sick lion atracts a lot of flies"


Hello Thomas nice to meet you im Maritz from Sydney also hepa carrier :grinning:


Hello everyone, I am Jawad(25M) from Pakistan and currently I am an inactive carrier of Hepatitis B. I am so happy that there is a forum for the Hepatitis B patients where they can share their stories and help out each other.
I was diagnosed with Hepatitis B in 2013 when I was around 15 years old and at that time I did not know the seriousness of the disease. While I don’t exactly know how I got infected but my best guess is that while playing outside with my friends, one of my friend found a used syringe on road and he injected that syringe in my arm.
Apart from my family and close friends no one knows about my condition and I usually refrain from telling it unless it is very important.
My latest tests were done in march 2023 and the results are as follow:

  1. Hep Bs Ag: Positive
  2. Hep Be Antigen: Negative
  3. HDV: Negative
  4. HBV DNA Quantitative Assay: 540 IU/mL
  5. ALT: 37 IU/L

My doctor said that no medication is required at the moment but I should get my LFT done every 3 months.

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Welcome Jawad_Ahmed,

Thank you for your story.
I’m glad you have found this group, and I’m also glad that you are not needing treatment. You also sound to have a positive attitude which is good.

Have a look at the stories of others in this forum and the other information so, you can learn more about looking after yourself and your liver.

I’m sorry your friend injected you. I hope you aren’t still friends. I had a mean friend like that. Thankfully not anymore.



Dear @Jawad_Ahmed,

Yes, I join @Caraline in welcoming you to the community and thank you for sharing your experiences with all of us. I’m sorry about what you have gone through and continue to endure because of your condition. However, as seen in this forum, there are ways around it and support to get you through it. Glad to have you on the forums and it sounds like you have been given good advice regarding monitoring.

Please keep us updated on your status and feel free to join any of the conversations.


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Hi Jawad.
I join my colleagues in welcoming you in this great hepb forum. I personally understand what is going through your mind expecially fear of rejection which prevents you from sharing about your condition. Please remember your only obligation is to protect those around you. Otherwise, you can choose to keep it confidential as long as you don’t feel comfortable to share

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