How to protect myself against other viruses, HIV, HCV?


I’m hep B positive, currently on medication and soon I’ll maybe start working as a housekeeper in a hotel. I’m afraid of getting other work-related viral infections such as HIV, HCV etc. I’ll very likely be exposed to some body fluids such as blood, semen, urine and whatnot. Who knows what I’ll see there, used condoms, syringes, razors…
How I protect myself against these?

Wear latex gloves and be wary of tears in them. Keep your hands away from your face, gloved or bare, until you sanitized them. And knowing what you may come across in this line of work, be mindful of what you touch or pick up and how you handle it.
Nothing I wouldn’t recommend to ANYONE doing what you are, regardless of their health issues.
Good luck!

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Hi @Arb,

You should be getting training on appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE, such as gloves and masks) during your induction. If these are not provided, you should be raising these concerns with your manager, occupational safety officer, or human resources: no-one (regardless of their HBV status) should be put at unnecessary risk in their job.


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