Hepb booster shot needed?


In covid vaccine some say to take a booster vaccine. If someone was vaccinated 30years ago for example for hepb, do they need to take again as booster vaccine shot ?


Hi @hepb1,
That will be the case for a small sample of people. For the majority, that won’t be necessary since they remain to have strong antibodies against HBV. I hope this answers your question. Bansah1.

@hepb1, I’d agree with @Bansah1 here. For someone at increased risk of exposure, it may be worth them testing their antibody titers to see if they are still at protective levels.


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What blood test should be done exactly ? What to measure ?

The test is called hepatitis B titer test. and it will be your HBV Antibody. Anything 10 Iu/ml or higher is considered as a strong protection. Best, Bansah1

Specifically, you would want to test for anti-HBs antibody titres: if this is about 10mIU/mL it is considered protective and they should not worry about being vulnerable to HBV infection