Hepatitis B and Immigration/visa issues

Just wanted to share a bit of my experience with Immigration New Zealand (INZ).

I was diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B during an annual medical exam while studying my bachelor’s programme in NZ. My application to renew my student visa was immediately declined, and I had to return to China for medical treatment.

Thus began my years-long, painful struggle with both hep B and INZ. Most of my visa (student and tourist) applications were declined on medical grounds, even after my HBVDNA levels became undetectable. In the end, I was able to finish my studies, but couldn’t attend my graduation ceremony.

After spending thousands of dollars on immigration attorneys (at least three different agencies) alone, I came to the realisation that INZ’s decision to reject my visa applications had nothing to do with my blood test results. The real reason was that if I became a permanent resident of NZ, I’d be eligible for lifelong free healthcare and become a burden of the country.

Last I checked, NZ’s immigration policies explicitly banned only two diseases: chronic hepatitis B and AIDS. My attorneys advised me not to pursue permanent residency, because even if I met all the criteria for a medical waiver, INZ would still do everything in their power to drag out the process for years.

But that was almost a decade ago. Things might have changed now. I’m curious if @salley7071 or anyone else living with chronic hep B recently succeeded in migrating to New Zealand. If so, please kindly share your experience here. Thank you in advance!


Can a person with hepatitis b work in dubai as an accountant. Can he apply for dependent visa to australia. His wife is studying health science in australia.

Hi @urgen

I think the UAE has restrictions on who can get a work permit and this may exclude people with Hepatitis B.

I am not sure what the requirements are for dependent visas, but people with Hepatitis B have definitely become permanent residents in Australia.


So, hepatitis b patient can not get work permit in dubai? However, they have mentioned 6 categories of work where hepatitis b will be tested. Do other works not mentioned in 6 categories Also needs to test for hepatitis b?

Hi @Urgen,

It’s best to go by the government website, and indeed what you say is true (Request Rejected and News). Some experiences from other sites seem to show that it is possible to still get a visa (https://www.reddit.com/r/dubai/comments/x286dx/comment/iml3t1i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I truly don’t know what the situation is on the ground though.

Hope this helps a bit,


Can a person with hepatitis b get a visa and work in South Korea? If you have information on this matter, please tell me

Hi @Sancho,

It may depend on what country you are migrating from. According to the website for the Korean consulate in Australia, Australians need to show “Medical examination results from GP (HIV blood test, Narcotic Drug test, Chest X-ray)” (https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/au-sydney-en/wpge/m_2371/contents.do). This doesn’t seem to include HBV, but it may differ from country to country.

HBV is relatively common in Korea already (~3%), so it may not be an additional concern to them, but please check the website.



Welcome @leonfeng

I’m really saddened to read your story and sorry you had to go through this unnecessary experience.
I hope you have been able to move on and use your education,
There’s far more expensive medical conditions than aids & Hep B.
I hope you find this forum helpful.


Hi sir… My nationality is Pakistani
I am a inactive chronic carrier of Hepatitis B. My viral load is always less than 500IU/ml. I am a Pharmacist by profession(will work in Healthcare sector)and want to apply for Permanent Residency in Australia via skilled worker immigration pathway. Will my health condition make difficult to get PR visa ? Kindly guide accordingly. Thanks

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Hi @Sajid,
According to the Australian Department of Home Affairs (the official website of Australian Immigration),

"You must have a hepatitis test if you are:

  • pregnant, or
  • applying for an adoption visa, or
  • applying for a temporary humanitarian, resolution of status or protection visa, or
  • an unaccompanied refugee minor, or
  • intending to work as (or to study to become) a doctor, nurse, dentist or paramedic in Australia.

Evidence of HIV or hepatitis

We generally don’t consider HIV or hepatitis to be a threat to public health.
But if you have HIV or hepatitis and you apply for a temporary visa, we might consider your condition to be a threat to public health if you intend to work as (or study to become) a doctor, nurse, dentist or paramedic in Australia.
Otherwise, you will only be assessed by a MOC to determine whether your condition would:

  • result in significant healthcare or community service costs, or
  • prejudice the access of Australian citizens and permanent residents to services in short supply."

Reference: Immigration in Australia and Hep B.

Also, have a read of this brochure from Liverwell Australian Visa Applicants and Hepatitis. It has great information on visa applications in regards to Hepatitis.

I also encourage you to keep up to date on the Australian Department of Affairs website as it is the official resource and if there an changes.

Hope this helps and best of luck with your application,



Thanks for your response…

According to these Australian guidelines will my visa be rejected? As I am a Pharmacist by profession if my hepatitis B result will come positive regardless of minimal inactive viral load?

Looking over the information from the Department of Affairs, it is quite hard to tell. I would suggest that you reach out to the Australian High Commission in Pakistan at https://pakistan.embassy.gov.au/

Also, I have attached this link about visas for Australia. Explore visa options This might help you understand the Australian visa process.

Sorry, I could not find a definite answer but I hope some of this information helps.


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Thank you for the information

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Hi @Sajid,

As mentioned above in this thread, there are several members here with HBV who have successfully received work visas and permanent residency in Australia. This may depend on a case-by-case basis though.


You are absolutely right.But I will work in Healthcare sector for which hepatitis B test requirements is mandatory which is mentioned in Australian guidelines.

Hi @sajid,

My understanding is that this would apply only to those wanting to be a doctor, nurse, dentist, or paramedic.

There are further details here: Threats to public health and

As mentioned in that documentation, it is highly recommended that you seek advice from a Registered Migration Agent or lawyer specialising in migration law for this process.


Hi Thomas … I really appreciate your efforts . Unfortunately I fall under Doctors category.Therefore, this will apply on me as well.


We my husband is a carrier and we have obtained PR in Australia. We have no treatment, and no evidence of liver damage so far he is in his mid 40ties.

Our lawyer sounded as if we may not get it but I reassured her we would and we have.

Saying this I am a medical professional and visa was sponsored.


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Yes we were one of this :relieved:

We went to a top country liver consultant in the UK for support documentations without being asked to do so.

We have been told by immigration lawyer we may not get visa but we did.

Husband who has an “inactive” heb b is not a health care professional but I am.

Husband does not receive any treatment.


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Hi @Maggie007

I’m glad it worked out for you. If there are any tips you would like to share with the Forum on visa application that would be greatly appreciated.

The issue here is when the visa applicant is a medical professional and Hep B positive.


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