HBV serum RNA kinetics during nucleic acid polymers based therapy predict functional cure

Guys. Has anyone else read this article? From what I understand, it brings solid news to help us move towards a functional cure.

HBV serum RNA kinetics during nucleic acid polymers based therapy predict functional cure - PubMed


Hello yes it’s an encouraging news, and I’m sure Dr. @availlant ( quite involved in that project) hopefully can confirm the validity of that article and explain some more……obviously with kind regards

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Dear @RicardoMachado,

This study is a separate analysis of the patterns of cccDNA inactivation from our previous trial (REP 401). In this previous trial we achieved high rates of HBV functional cure which now stand at 56% 5 years after stopping all therapy. This study tells us that rapid inactivation of cccDNA is likely an important part of (but not sufficient for) HBV functional cure. This tells is the imporance of NUCs and pegIFN in NAP combination therapy moving forward.
