Fatty liver and gallbladder thickening (3.3mm)

Hello everyone, i just went to doctor and resulted in finding i have mild fatty liver and aslo gallbladder thickening (3.3mm) but no stone. Is this an effect on hap B(which i have)?

Hi @Kg7656,
This would have been a great question for your provider since they know more about your journey than we do here. Is there any chance you could message him or her about this? Overall, some HBV patients develop fatty liver (myself included-mild fatty liver). I am not sure of the connection; whether one causes the other or they are just separate incidents. Best, Bansah1

Yeah i went to retest today and it seem gallbladder was back to normal and docter said just eat healthy and excercise for fatty liver(mild)

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Fatty liver is common than reported
Most people don’t know they have fatty liver unless by chance
Did you know your body Mass index
Are you over weight
Exercise and life style modification would really help a lot
50-70% of men with pot belly has fatty liver of different grades

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A lot of people without HBV have fatty liver or stones in their gallbladder. Both fatty liver and HBV can lead to fibrosis of the liver.

Idk what mass body index is but this was my result from blood work

Hi @Kg7656,
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measurement ones body fat using the individual’s weight and height. Anything between 18- 25 is considered healthy weight. Below 18 is considered underweight and between 25-30 is overweight. Anything above 30 is considered obese/obesity. This standard might be different from country to country. Your labs overall looks good, ALT is a tiny bit high 65 (normal 0-41, this is different by country). It should not be a problem if it does not remain high over a long period. One time is fine. PT-INR is also tiny high, this is used to measure how long it takes for your blood clot. If it is low, it can lead to blood clot issues because your blood is probably thicker. If it is too high, you can bleed out more easily because your blood is too loose (liquidy). There have to be a balance where it is not too high nor too low. APTT shows high (to check how well your clotting factor is working). Try and keep an eye on these tests the next time you do labs and be extra careful to avoid any bleeding situations. I hope this helps. Bansah1.

Ty for explaning this. Looks like my BMI IS 17.75

Hi @ Kg7656
According to your questions and informations about chronic HB and fatty liver. Your body mass index (BMI)is low (<18) if it’s accurate measurement, I think you should consult with your doctor about other possible etiologies of fatty liver eg.drugs induced , alcohol etc. but lean body mass person may have fatty liver that we call lean NAFLD . Ultrasound is the simple and non invasive tool to measure fatty liver but it can detect when fat deposit in the liver more than 30% in contrast to Fibroscan with CAP scores can more accurately detect quantitative and severity of fatty liver than ultrasound . The easiest ways to measure your anthropometry of body fat are waist circumference (WC) and WC to Height ratio (normal<0.5) which can indicate visceral fat/ central obesity. About HBV and fatty liver , there are many studies about the interaction mostly conclude that fatty liver can inhibit HBV replication and HBV isn’t the cause of fatty liver, unlike HCV that can induce fatty liver or “viral steatosis”.

There may be evidences about positive effects of fatty liver on long term outcomes of CHB.

แหล่งที่มา: PubMed Central (PMC)
Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Fatty Liver Disease and Chronic Viral Hepatitis: The Interlink - PMC. However, fatty liver may cause cardiovascular and metabolic complications if we don’t manage and treat this problem.
About your ALT level (65 IU/L) which is slightly elevated and if you can’t access to measure HBV DNA level and have MASLD , in my opinion , you should consult with your doctor to consider about starting antiviral treatment according to WHO guidelines for HBV management 2024. Another laboratory investigations eg. Lipid panels (Total cholesterol, LDL , HDL, Triglycerides) are necessary for your treatment and monitoring plans.

This is correct, and also wanted to add that there are some instances where you can be low BMI but still have MAFLD/MASLD (so called, lean MAFLD - Lean Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease - PubMed)

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