Good day all, I am based in Namibia and I was diagonised with chronic Hep B Dec 2021 during a routine medical check up and my viral level was undetectable by then. I have been going to a specialist every year and last year the viral level was 31 iu/ml. I am due to see my doctor next week. As a result of low viral levels, I am not yet on treatment.
Jan 24, I almost collapsed due to rapid decrease in energy levels which made me feel dizzy and extremely weak. Was rushed to the doctor and my blood pressure was very high. I was not put on blood pressure medication because thereafter it went down though it sometimes spikes. For the past two weeks, I have been feeling extremely weak to do anything, went to the doctor because he suspected kidneys and thyroid but all was fine. I was given berroca and slow-mag for energy and I felt better but whenever I delay drinking it, I get extremely dizzy and weak to do anything. Might this be one of the symptoms of Heb B? Besides this I do not have any other symptoms that mirrors hep B except a burning sensation under my right feet which doctor google told me its because of vitamin B deficiency. Also my BP keeps going up and down with on and off mild chest pain. Please help.
Hi @Collen,
Welcome to the community. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Some people develop some fatigue with their hepatitis, but what you are describing seems to me like something completely unrelated to your hep.B. Try and get yourself hydrated (drink a lot of fluids). Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance can cause some of what you are describing. Follow-up with your provider again if it persists for further evaluation. Keep us posted on how things go. Best, Bansah1
Thank you very much Bansah1 for your response. Indeed, it seems like an electrolyte imbalance or vitamin deficiency. I will run some further tests and will update.
Hi, sorry to hear about your health. I had the same symptoms before I was diagnosed with hep B. I suggest you go and see a doctor, lack of energy, weight loss, excessive eating, and being fatigued are the most common signs of hepatitis B. Thank you
Hi Dosara, thank you for your response. Did your lack of energy improve over time? What was prescribed to improve the energy?
Hey Collen! How are you doing?
No my energy levels were dropping day by day. And, on top of that, I was experiencing this weird heat sensation on my foot. which was very concerning, to be honest. Oh, and to make matters worse, I was constantly thirsty, like all the time. It’s like I can’t quench my thirst no matter what I do. So, here’s the thing, my friend: I think it’s important for you to go and see a doctor as soon as possible. They’ll be able to give you the best advice and help you out. Take care, okay?
Hi, Dosara,
I was diagnosed less than a year ago and have run the gauntlet on many of the pitfalls of this disease. My energy levels dropped severely…I had to cat-nap 2-3x/day and I, too, was passing out. Like Bea suggested, hydrating yourself is important but so is SOME sugar intake for energy, just not too much. When you’re up to it, try some sort of daily excercise, even if it’s just going for a brisk walk.
All the best!
Hi Denny,
Thank you for your message! Since 2019, I have been living a normal healthy life, rarely seeing a doctor, and healthier than most people I meet.
Maintaining good health requires a balanced approach. I focus on avoiding greasy food, having no alcohol intake to support my liver, and staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
I think we probably lead healthier lives than most people, maybe not by choice but we DO research what we put into our bodies.
I’m optimistic I’ll lead a normal and healthier life…just hoping there’s some sort of intimacy somehow as the loneliness (that I’ve referred to as being ALONE) is the partner to the dirtiness I’ve felt since I got this
Keep up the good stuff and stay well!