EXPLAINER: Lab results and their interpretation

Hi @iamjen,

I’m echoing @john.tavis’ statements of being a scientist and not a clinical doctor. The increase of HBV DNA is relatively small and can occur during the “inactive carrier” phase, which is generally regarded as a stable phase and associated with good clinical outcomes. Your ultrasound does not show anything that is indicative of major liver disease.

@john.tavis raised the issue of increased AFP, but this is expected while you are pregnant. Indeed it went back down to normal in your most recent tests.

Hope this helps,

Thanks Thomas. I’d forgotten about AFP rises during pregnancy (of course they do!!).


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Hi all.

In March my HbsAg quintative was 803.80 IU/ml
Today on 8th of August is 1250.37 IU/ml.

I have been taking viread.
I don’t understand why it has reised so much?

Dear @Aleksi12,

This is not a very large increase, as HBsAg levels can vary from 0 to >10 000. This amount of variation is normal in a stable condition. To have a better idea of whether this is a true increase, you would need to sample more times over a longer period of time.

Hope this helps,

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What can be said about these results, difference between them of 24 months, Aghbe / anti-hbe? Please leave a comment. ! The analysis from 12.08.2021 is the first done when I found out that I have hepatitis B

Hello @ThomasTu and all
Can you please have a look at my reports from last week and the very first of my diagnosis before starting the treatment. They are in German as I live in Switzerland but all the acronyms are the same. I still to get more on my latest report by tomorrow but this is what I have for now from the latest report and prior ones are complete.

The first two are latest and last three are the ones from APRIL (prior treatment)
My hemogram is scarring me and also I why my platelets went down since last time also my aPTT is not in order and couple of other REDS I can see. Please can some interpret these for me.
Dates and times are mentioned on every report.


Just to add these are my random LFT and viral loads between both of the extended reports and also I have done a CT sac an that examination report I will put in as well I felt a bit of heaviness on the right side so the doctor referred me to do it also three ULTRASOUND have been performed two in Switzerland one in Poland doctors said all in order. Reports are in German but translation can be done easily.

Please do anyone or everyone have a look at these and reports in my last post to give me their view on this.


Dear @marian,

It’s unclear what specifically you want to know about your status, your blood results don’t seem to have changed in that time.

Dear @Gourav_Rana,

Your HDV antibody appears to be positive, so it would be worthwhile getting a HDV RNA test to see if you also have HDV infection. Indeed, it is a good idea to do a fibroscan/ultrasound assessment to get an idea of your liver health, particularly given your higher than normal ALT markers.

Hope this helps,

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Hi @ThomasTu

Yes indeed my doctor did the test for D RNA which came out negative I mean no viral load as it is now a days mandatory to test all for D which turns out positive for hepB. All my labs and Ultrasound were fine and latest HBV DNA is 56 in/ml which was almost 19000000 3 months earlier.

I have no clue either it was my doctors funny machine with which the same he performed ultrasound plus he measured elasticity of my liver which was last time 7 kph and now just in hardly 2 months time turned 10 kpa with me being on good diet and having to have Vemlidy daily.

Rest turned out fine ALT was around 60 but had settle down in test I’ve done couple of time before. Don’t know hu it spiked but rest looked in order, ultrasound was fine even had a CT scan which was fine too all in order.
Do let me know what do you think about these changes in my KPA.

Many thanks

Hi @Gourav_Rana,

I am unable to comment about the elastography, but it seems like all other indicators of your liver health are in normal range and that it is worthwhile to keep under monitoring to see if it is an ongoing issue.


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Dear @ThomasTu

Thanks for the message.

Yeah I have been closely monitoring everything and as I mentioned even got a CT scan done just 2 weeks before that Ultrasound and so called elasticity that my hepatologist measured. In the CT scan reports came out all normal and also since the last time I did my ultrasound and the doctor (same doctor) gave me the reading of 7 KPA and I did nothing unusual during all this time yeah maybe a pizza or two :tipping_hand_man:t4::man_shrugging:t4: but I guess if that caused it then I don’t think I am a normal human :man_facepalming:t4: if you see what I mean.
Hopefully it might be just a faulty report or if it’s right then I am a bit worried and it keep me up in nights just that number. Though my doctor said don’t worry all in order Vemlidy does it work but in a longer run just make sure you keep taking it and don’t miss a day. Which I have been doing ever since even before that since he put me on meds.
I’ll be having my LFT done soon. Hoping to have the virus TND this time rest I will keep the group posted.
Let me know of any suggestions.


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Hi everyone please kindly help me review my Lab work and make some suggestions please
1 .FASTING lipids profile

Total cholesterol - 186mg/dl
Triglycerides - 82mg/dl

HDL - 79mg/dl
LDL-101 mg/dl


Anti HBc total 0.4 index value

HBeAb( anti-HBe) - 0.2 index value

HbeAg -0.4 index value

HBsAg (ELISA)- 2.5 index value

HBsAb( anti-HBe ELISA)

  1. VIRAL DNA test
    HBV DNA quantitative real time PCR --117 IU/ml

Log 10 HBV DNA load - 2.1

Please kindly help me review do you think i need a treatment

4 liver ultrasound
Liver span 17cm

Grade 1 fatty liver desaes was only placed on vitamin E by my gastroenterologist
He said my HBV infection is under control
Suggestions please

If your doctor said it was under control I don’t know why you’d wanna doubt him.

It’s not about doubting my doctor but it’s about seeking for different opinion
You can genuinely give your own opinion
And not make it feel as if someone is doubting his/her doctor

Most people who posted their Lab investigation here are seeing one doctor or the other
Having a 2nd opinion is not a bad idea please

Hello @Sent-d
I can’t answer your medical questions but someone will soon.
This forum is great for learning about our disease and discussing issues we don’t feel comfortable with in our local communities.

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Thanks so much for your response really appreciate

Dear @Sent-d,

Under current EASL guidelines, you would not be recommended for treatment due to low viral load.

Hope this helps,

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Thanks so much for your response really appreciate @ThomasTu
Please kindly help me with the EASL guideline please

Dear @Sent-d,

The EASL guidelines can be found here: https://easl.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/HepB-English-report.pdf
