Entecavir overdose

I have been talking entecavir for 5 years now. Sometimes I forgot that I have taken it, and took another one during the day. This is not often though, less than 10 times a year. Is it an issue?

Hi Civilike
What happens to you happens to many of us.
It is good to take any medicine as recommend by a health practitioner/doctor. I have read the manual inside the small box where many ARVs are parked. There is an explanation that taking a higher dose has no medical benefits. Further, this implies that a slightly higher dose may not be harmful if not frequently taken.
I once again remind you to always try to take medicine as advised by your doctor, however a slight over dose happens there’s no need to Punic unless you develop un usual feeling.

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I agree with @Kinoti that taking an extra dose in one day will not be harmful. I’ve done that before especially when traveling between time zones (e.g. USA to China where there’s a 12 hour time difference and I get mixed up). More likely, I forget to take a dose! That’s why I have a weekly pill dispenser to help me remember. But even so, I’ve been known to even forget with the dispenser. Fortunately that’s not often so it’s ok. Thanks for posting @ Civilke. Always, Joan

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If your phone has a reminder app, set it up. I set up a reminder on my phone that automatic alarm me to take a pill every day at 6 pm. Just remember to turn the reminder off for that day right away after you take the pill, so you won’t make a mistake to take second one.

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Agree with everyone here regarding accidentally taking an extra pill, there is limited harm. I have a daily calendar event for my pills that sends me an Email as well. I only delete the email after I take the pill, so there’s a double reminder.



Thank you everyone to make mind ease. Have a good weekend.

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