Discussion Topics for Virtual Meets

Hi all,
As I’ve mentioned in the Quarterly Update, we will be having virtual meets every 2 months. I will send out an update later with some dates and times for the Virtual Meet which will be occurring in October.
I have included a poll below so you can vote on what topics you would like to discuss first. The most popular topic will be the discussion topic for the next virtual meet in October.

  • Hepatitis B and Immigration/Visa Issues
  • What to eat and what not to eat
  • Naturopathy and alternative medicine
  • Deciding on available hep B treatments and its effectiveness - benefits & side effects
  • My hepatitis B Journey
  • Dating, pregnancy & sexual health - navigating these when I have hep B
  • Other
0 voters

If you choose other, please comment what other topics you would like us to discuss in these virtual meets.

Thank you,

Thanks @Mylisa,

I’d encourage everyone to vote for a topic to discuss at our next virtual meet, which bring everyone together in a casual setting to chat with peers about living with Hep B. Hope to see you all at the next one!