Are there any hepb positive/hep b negative couples here?

Hi. I am new here. I met someone and despite them telling me that they are a chronic hep b carrier, I continued to get to know them and I am falling for him. We have had no physical contact. I am very afraid of diseases, so this is weighing heavily on me. And I don’t want to hear there’s plenty of fish in the sea. He is the one I want to be with. I am negative. I took a hepb test and it shows i have antibodies from vaccine. I have no idea when i got thia vaccine as it wasn’t around when i was born (born in 1982). I asked my mom and she said she doesn’t think i got this vaccine. I must’ve got it in high school. Anyway, I do not know ky tithers yet. I spoke to my pcp, gyno and a hepatologist. They all say that they can not gaurantee that the vaccine will protect me. Also, he is on antivirals daily. Anyway, I am torn about what to do. I have been alone and single for just about 10 years since my divorce. I have not had feelings for someone until now. I would love to hear some positive stoires about married couples who one is negative and one positive.

Hello @Cloud9
I have lived experience of HBV 40+ years.
The vaccine is a course of 3 shots with a month in between. Maybe that might refresh your memory.
I also have been divorced 10 years and not looking…I’m so happy on my own. Sorry, no positive relationship here.
Using my knowledge and your situation, he’s Chronic HBV and you are vaccinated, it’s very unlikely you will get HBV. My ex was vaccinated after we got married and he never got HBV.
You may have gotten HBV but not become a carrier. Which would make you immune.
The medical experts will be with you soon.

Thank you for your response. I’m sorry about your divorce. It seems no oje stays together anymore I asked my doctor is i had a past infection and he aaid he is 100% aure that the antibodies are from the vaccine and not a past infection. Something about antigens? I did researdh and the test does in fact tell the didference between vaccine anribodies and past infecrion. I do not recall a 3 series vaccine in my life. I will have to try and get records. As crazy as this sounds, I was hoping it was from a past infection because it would have nade me more comfortable with being in this relationship. Do you think it is easier for a man to get infected from a woman or a woman to get infected from a man? Were you on daily antivirals during your marriage? Did he get tested frequently to confirm he never got infected?

I wnatdd to add. I said i am sorry for your divorce, but you did say you are happy now. So maybe I should have said congratulations instead. Happiness is more important that being with someone.


Dear @cloud9,

I am currently married to someone who is HBV-negative and has remained so because they have been vaccinated. If you have anti-HBs antibodies to protective levels (>10mIU/mL) and they are taking antivirals, there is practically no risk in transmission. Many people (even on the forum) have had children in similar circumstances and not had transmission.

Hope this helps,

Thanks for responding. Does your wife get regularly tested to see if she gets infected? Do you use condoms? Sorry if this is too personal, I just want to know take whatever precautions that are necessary, but don’t want to be restricted in a relationship.

We’ve learned a lot more about HBV since I was first diagnosed in late 1980’s, but many doctors are still not fully educated about this disease, sadly.

When I was first diagnosed, from donating blood when I was 16, I was mailed a letter from the Red Cross about testing positive. The internet was not around then and my mom took me to my primary doctor at that time. We remember being told it was like the chickenpox, a silent virus that would often stay with me through life but not to worry about it. Nobody else in my family tested positive. Life continued normally until I was married in 1996 and we sought a fertility specialist in 1998 having a hard time conceiving. We needed IVF and during all the testing to get there, the HBV surfaced again. The IVF was put off for a few months, while I saw a GI doctor. At this time, they knew quite a bit more about this virus. I found out I was a chronic carrier, HbeAg negative, low viral load, and healthy to continue the IVF. My husband never did contract HBV all those years we were together. He was fully vaccinated, and we went on to do several rounds of IVF and had 3 children via that route. All of them got the HBIG and 3 HBV series and none of them ever contracted HBV. I was able to breastfeed. Being paranoid, I did have them all boosted about 10 years ago. My hepatologist (who specializes in HBV) said it was unnecessary though, stating that if they mounted a robust antibody protection when first vaccinated (even if protection goes down) their bodies would mount an immune memory response if confronted with the actual HBV virus. I’ve been on an antiviral for 7 years and like Thomas said, with you having antibodies and he being on antiviral the risk of contracting HBV is nil.

Fast forward to now, I’m 50 y/o. We believe I contracted the virus as a very premature baby in the early 70’s needing a transfusion when testing was not routine. I’ve been happily married for almost 28 years, my adult children are now in their 20’s and all perfectly healthy. This is a manageable and preventable disease and HBV should NOT realistically stand in the way or affect your possible future or happiness with this man. I hope this helps and all the best!


I’ve been married to my negative HB husband for 10 years, we have one child together. He’s vaccinated since a child and continues to remain negative. My daughter was also vaccinated at birth and remains negative.

My doctors have told me and him that as long as he is vaccinated , there is no cause or risk for concern.

I typically have a low viral load (though not zero) so also want to state it doesn’t have to be zero to prevent transmission to a vaccinated person.

Hope this helps

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I wasn’t on antiviral until the last few years of my marriage. 18 years married
My husband was never tested to see if vaccine was working. We just presumed he was.
Our 3 children were vaccinated at birth.
I did get my adult children to retest as I had read sometimes they need a booster. But they were all fine.

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Well, I am a married man for more than 10 years and chronic hbv patient. My wife is negative. She got three doses of hbv vaccine when she was a newborn. She is negative for hbv. Her anti HBS levels are > 50 IU/ml. Most of the time in these more than 10 years of relationship we simply don’t use condom. And to finish, I’m really confident that we are just a few years away from a cure, given the great job the scientific community have been done. I wish the best for you and your boyfriend/ husband!


Hi Cloud9, I am positive, my husband, and children negative. He was vaccinated young and our babies received a passive and active vaccination at birth. We check him regularly to make sure that the protection is still there. So far all good.

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Hi @ImHopefull seeing your situation gave me hope. I just met a man whose an inactive hep b carrier and I have so many questions and am a little afraid but honestly, this fear is due to my own ignorance and lack of knowledge about what all this means. But my situation is different from your wifes. While I was vaccinated as a baby, my immunity wore off and I need to get revaccinated. Which makes me afraid for the future and the possibility that my body reacts weirdly to the vaccine and my immunity will always be low and I’ll always have to check it but I’m not sure if that’s how things really work. Anyways, thanks for sharing your story!

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Yes, my wife gets tested every so often to confirm that her antibody levels are still high, but it is not something we go out of our way to test (just whenever she has a check up for something else).

As mentioned by others having children, the chance of transmission through sex with a vaccinated partner without condoms is quite low.


Dear @Anon2023,

It is true that some people may not react vigorously enough to the vaccine and require boosting. While it can take several boosts, most people eventually get protective levels.


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