About the Research Showcase 2024 category

:sparkles::scientist:t4: :woman_scientist:t4: :sparkles: Encouraging the conversation between researchers and the affected community with our second online research showcase (with chances to win :moneybag: :moneybag: prizes)

We thank the following sponsors for making this showcase possible:

Research & Community prizes sponsored by:

Description of the showcase
At HepBCommunity we want to encourage more conversations between the scientific and affected communities so that we can all learn from each other.

To do this, we are inviting hepatitis B researchers around the world to showcase their research. We welcome research of all kinds: basic, translational, clinical, public health, social science, etc. They will describe why is their research is important, how they do it, and what’s exciting about it in a thread on HepBcommunity.

You will have the opportunity to ask researchers questions about their research. The best questions will be in the running to win a $100 USD gift card.

Forum members will also be able to cast votes to decide on the most engaging researchers, who will have the chance at winning a $250 USD gift card.

How to enter as a forum member
Just ask questions in the research threads and don’t forget to cast a vote for the researchers you enjoy the most!

How to enter as a researcher
Anyone whose scientific research is relevant to the Hepatitis B community can submit an entry.

  1. Register as a user on HepBcommunity (for free)
  2. Message @ThomasTu to request posting rights to the research showcase.
  3. Start a new thread in the Research Showcase 2024 category and describe your research.
    Each person is limited to one entry for the showcase, but are encouraged to post across the entire community.

Authors of the top 4 threads will be awarded $250 USD gift card
Authors of the top 4 questions in the discussions will be awarded $100 USD gift card

Judging criteria
A shortlist of top 8 threads and top 8 questions will be based on the number of likes.
Forum users will then vote for the top 4 of each shortlist through an online poll.

Important dates (Amended)
Cut-off for new threads describing research: July 14th, 2024
Short-lists announced: July 24th, 2024
Voting closes for short-lists: August 2nd, 2024
Winners announced: August 11th, 2024

Conditions of entry

  • HepBCommunity reserves the right not to grant all or any awards.
  • Decisions will be made by the leadership committee and are final. No appeals will be considered.
  • Entrants agree to have their entries and usernames used in promotional materials.
  • All entries are deemed public, entrants should not describe confidential research.
  • Entrants will provide an accurate account of their research, without hyperbole or misleading statements.
  • By entering this showcase, entrants agree to these conditions.

Information Flyer for Researchers

Information Flyer for Community Members

Hi all,

Apologies if you have been trying to comment on these wonderful scientific entries and been denied. I’ve adjusted the settings so that everyone can now reply to the threads and ask their questions.

Just a reminder, we have prizes not only for the best thread, but also for the best questions, so get engaged!


1 Like

Hi @ThomasTu, kindly grant me access to make a research topic entry in the 2024 research showcase.
Thank you.

1 Like

Dates for the Research Showcase have been extended.

Originally, the cut-off date for the Research Showcase was June 30th, 2024.
However, due to increasing interest, the dates have been extended by two weeks. Please see the new dates below. We are excited to read more entries and questions from community members.

Amended dates
Cut-off for new threads describing research: July 14th, 2024
Short-lists announced: July 24th, 2024
Voting closes for short-lists: August 2nd, 2024
Winners announced: August 11th, 2024

Hello Everyone,

Don’t forget, to vote by pressing :heart: on your favourite entries and questions in the Research Showcase.
We will be announcing the short-list on July 24th, 2024.

While you’re at it ask a question in the post. A $100 gift card will be awarded to the members with the top 4 questions.

All the best,
