New in this travel and very scared

Well I guess doctor I should be happy at this stage right? my HBsAg readings are always very high, the last one was 1480 (this means 1480IU/ml?) and as I read in various articles this has a significant impact on the development of HCC would you suggest more testing for my liver? although I know that it is extremely rare, I am hoping for a miracle and soon I will be HBsAg negative and overcome my problem for good. Thank you for your valuable time and help.

Dear @gvit,

If you are on treatment and it is successful (which is evident from the low HBV DNA levels), then your risk of liver cancer is much lower, even if your HBsAg is high. The study you link to is for “treatment-naïve patients”, that is, people who have never had treatment.

Your risk is very minimal given you have no fibrosis too. While you should remain under monitoring at least every 6 months, the risk of cancer in your case is very very low.

Hope this helps,

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Thank you all for your time and responses.
I will try for the best for my health. I only have one last question.
What are people like us at risk of besides kirosi and HCC.
from what I understand, we mainly have HCC in kιrotic patients, right?
I read about deficiency etc. what is the course of the disease?
Now with HBeAg negative prognosis is better? What is my state in disease?
Thank you again for everything.

Dear @gvit,

People who are HBeAg-negative and low HBV DNA generally have a better outcome. So that is good.

As long as you stay under monitoring and keep on treatment, there are not many other problems linked to HBV.

Hope this helps,


Hello everyone again. I wanted to ask if we can get milk thistle,(silybum) I have read that it is very good for people like us. it is safe; what is your opinion.

Dear @gvit,

Great question - milk thistle is promoted a lot by many supplement agencies, but there is not much evidence that it helps at all. Please see the following links where we and the hep B foundation have discussed this previously:

In short, it’s likely that milk thistle is a waste of money and won’t help.

Hope this clarifies things,

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Dear Thomas,
thank you for your answers. Since it doesn’t seem dangerous, maybe I’ll try it.
I will start treatment with a statin(pitavastatin) and maybe antidepressants will disturb my condition?Until I have something newer I will monitor my health and my treatment as best I can and I hope for God’s help.
thank you all for your help.


I think these are things you need to discuss with your doctor to make sure the supplements or medications won’t interact with your condition.

It sounds like you’re feeling more at peace with your diagnosis, which is great. I wish you strength in going forward and hope you keep us up to date with your status into the future.


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Dear Thomas,
I just realized that there is nothing else I can do except treat and monitor myself and I think as long as my liver is fine things are relatively under control right?

I want you to believe that I have 5-6 years that I will still have a good liver and I will have to live with it.
I have acquired many psychological issues, phobias, etc. every two days I am also at a doctor and they have really ruined my life. I have to understand that if a heart problem or cancer is to come, the anxiety will come, I think it is very important to go away.

I will systematically monitor each of my problems and I hope that God will help us all to be healthy and soon to have a cure. I will inform you about my new ones.

Thank you for everything from the bottom of my heart


Dear @gvit,

Sorry to hear that things are still so stressful for you. Let me reassure you that most people with Hep B live many many years after their diagnosis. I myself live a relatively normal life aside from the 2 days per year that I go get monitoring and going to the pharmacist every couple of months to pick up my medication. We have people on this forum living with and become grandparents; there is no certainty at all that your life will be shorter because of you Hep B.

I am glad you are keeping hope though, and rest assured that the scientific community is working hard for this cure.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Thomas,
thank you for your precious help and support and you and everyone. I wanted to ask if you know if I can get an anticonvulsant with the substance paroxetine hydrochloride (seroxat)

hello @gvit,

Thank you for sharing your experience and your journey… really appreciate all the questions that you posted on this group. Could you kindly let me know how long were you on Viread before you tested negative for HBeAg. Did you start Viread the moment you tested positive for HBeAg and how long was your medication before you tested negative for HBeAg. Kindly let me know.
Thank you

Dear Vekota,
I started the medicine from the first week I was diagnosed and I was positive for e for almost 2 years that I have been taking it. If I can help with any other information, I’m here for anything you need.

And how long did it take the viral load to become normal ?


If I remember correctly in 6-7 months from 25 million copies it had gone to 1500 and now 1.5 years later I am below 50 but as our doctors will tell you this is different for each of us how quickly the load falls etc

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Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and have only positive news from your journey.
I would like to ask a question. my doctor told me to take a statin because I have started atherosclerosis, are they generally safe for us? I have read that even though you are not indemnifying us, it seems to have a positive effect on our situation. Does anyone take such pills, do you have any side effects?
thank you for your time.

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Dear @gvit,

I believe that some of us in this community take statins and it is both safe and effective. Some studies have shown them to be helpful in preventing cancer in HBV patients (Cancer Risk in HBV Patients With Statin and Metformin Use: A... : Medicine)


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Dear Thomas
Thank you for your reply. I will be contacting my cardiologist and gastroenterologist immediately because I had some tests done before starting the statin. I am concerned by the fact that the ALT has gone up a bit since my previous measurement and the HBsAg.
In general, I have the following results:
HTC 45.3
PLT 244
AST 38
ALT 72 (55 AND 66 IN THE PAST)
γ-GT 28
ALP 101
Choleerythrin 1.61
UΡΕΑ 34.8
INR 1.08
aPTT 37
HBsAg 2441 from 1440
I also had an ultrasound 20 days ago and my liver is very good from what the doctor told me is normal in everything except the pancreas is a bit uneven and small in size, if that plays any role I don’t know.
What do you think of my results?
I am upset because the ALT has never normalized even though in the last few months the antigen e became negative and because the price of HBsAg is also rising. the cardiologist told me that the aPTT may also be elevated due to damage to the liver (clotting factors) and to ask my doctor if he allows me to start statin.

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Hi @gvit,

If you are continuing to take your antivirals and your HBV DNA levels are low, then it may be worth considering if there are other causes for your higher ALTs (e.g. fatty liver). I think this might have been mentioned above.

Hope this helps,

Dear Thomas,
I just got back from my hepatologist and we sent tests for HVD to see if I have that too. Otherwise, he told me that it is either sadness or a small possibility due to the seroconversion of the e antigen.
If there is D along with B then things are much worse? It is common;