My HBsAg becomes negative after Chronic Hep B for 17 Years

My understanding is that alcohol does not affect whether HBV reactivates or not. However, alcohol does have effects on liver health, so it adds onto any liver injury that your past HBV infection has inflicted.


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Thank you Dr. ThomasTu

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Congratulations @Jason2024. This is an amazing news.Wish you the best


thank you very much. Wish you the best as well.


Hi all, this is Jason again, and I would like to provide a little update with my condition.
As you all know, I had great news with the blood work result and I did another Ultrasound test per doctor order about 2 weeks after my blood work.
The ultrasound result was good, no mass, no scarring of the liver, and mild fatty liver.
May I ask about the mild fatty liver? should I change me current menu ? or what should I do to make the mild fatty liver becomes the normal no fat liver?
Thank you everyone.

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Hi Jason2024

Congratulations for your HBV functional cure in the near future. 
          According to your question about ultrasound results with mild fatty liver. In general, ultrasound can detect  fatty liver if you have amount of fat at least 30% of the liver. It use the bright liver score to assess the severity of fatty liver and mild fatty liver equals to score1 that means you have increased echogenicity (signal)of liver but portal veins and diaphragm echogenicity are normal , however, Fibroscan can accurately measure more amount of fat in the liver than ultrasound by using CAP scores .
  Fatty liver disease is a disease that is frequently found in the general population and is silent killer. It is often discovered during routine annual check up.

Many people with these disease don’t know about its importance and long-term risk even some physician don’t aware of this importance. Most of the causes of fatty liver are due to NAFLD and alcoholic consumption, currently termed as MASLD. It’s origin is located in the liver where glucose and free fatty acid
are created to triglycerides in liver cells leading to chronic inflammation from oxidative stress. Fatty liver is the key driver to metabolic syndrome.
You should assess your anthropometry eg: BMI , Waist circumference (WC) , WC to height ratio (normal <0.5 ) and testing for lipid profiles, diabetes, hypertension and consult with your doctor. If you are diagnosed as metabolic syndrome , then you are at risk of cardio metabolic complications such as Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease(ASCVD). , Type 2DM , Stroke etc. The good news is that fatty liver will be resolved completely if you can lose your body weight for at least 5-10% in mild case with lifestyle modification , healthy diet ( Mediterranean diet) and exercise ( Aerobic/ Resistant training) , adequate and quality sleep.
I hope this may help you to understand about fatty liver which is one of the silent killer diseases in this world .


Thank you Chul_Chan for your advice, I’ll eat as healthier as I can, less carb, more walking, more fruits, veggies, and see any if things will be different at the next test


Hi Jason. I am so excited for you. This sparks hope for some of us. Congratulations. It is possible.


thank you so much, best wishes for you too.


Congratulations, very luck :four_leaf_clover:. All the best


thank you so much, best wishes to you as well.

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Congratulations @Jason2024 I am so happy to hear your good news. :lotus: :lotus:


thank you so much, best wishes to you as well.

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