My AST/ALT are still high

I have done 24 injections of intereferon and still my AST/ALT are high.

Is it normal?


can i have your views please @availlant

Hi Suresh,

It is hard to comment without more information.

ALT values over time during your interferon therapy.

Other liver function tests (albumin, bilirubin, INR).

Any virology test results?

Best regarda

Am I at a Ricky level with this LFT results? Someone kindly advice because am much stressed since my hbv diagnosis

Am no expert but ALT and AST look very normal to me. Mine was in the 2000s for ALT at one time during inflammation.

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Thanks. Praying for the best because life is never the same ever since I got my diagnosis

Hi @Opa,
I agree with @GreyhoundTJX, your ALT and AST are normal. Have you done HBV DNA/viral load test? If you have results for that you can share it. But from the above results most of your markers are normal except the bilirubin direct that is high. I don’t know what that could indicate, but an expert will respond and advice on that. Other than that the others all look normal. Please do not over stress yourself, I know it can be difficult but remain hopeful and positive. Hepatitis B diagnosis is no longer a death sentence, with frequent monitoring and treatment (if needed) one can live a healthy normal life. Best, bansah1

Thx @greyhounds and bansah, just like many others, I don’t have ideas about this results but with your analysis and advice I see myself getting stronger every single day and night. Took my DNA test a month ago but my results are still not released but just incase they are, I will surely share them with the team here for more analysis.
Just currently under going through alot of pain at my right side of abdomen for a month now yet my doctor says am not worth getting any medicines as per now. Question. What can I do to get out of this pain coz I don’t see it go away soon without any medication .thanks

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HI @Opa ,

Your bilirubin is mildly elevated with normal ALT. This is unlikely to be caused by your HBV infection and could reflect the presence of Gilbert’s syndrome or gallstones. The former is typically a benign condition where your body is less efficient in processing bilirubin and the latter is the formation of insoluble precipitates (“stones”) of bilirubin or cholesterol in your bile duct. This can cause elevated direct bilirubin and right sided upper adominal pain.

Your doctor will wait to see your viral load in the absence of any obvious liver inflammation before deciding about prescribing antiviral medication.

There is nothing really worrying about your LFTs but you should discuss the elevated bilirubin levels (and right sided abdominal pain) with your doctor.

Best regards,

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You are welcome. Please always remember that you are not alone on this journey. We are millions strong!!!. I agree with @availlant about having a discussion with your doctor about the pain on your right side and the bilirubin issue. The pain could be so many things not necessary with the liver, and that is why you need a discussion with your doctor if you have not done so already… Simple bloating/gas can cause some discomfort and pain too, but best to discuss this with your doctor to do further examination or testing if needed to find or understand why you are having this pain and help find a solution. All the best, keep us posted and I hope you get some relief soon. Thanks, bansah1

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