Dear @availlant and @ThomasTu first of all, I want to thank you guys for you efforts and answering to all questions, I appreciate it! Now, let me share my story, and will be very grateful for your advices!
Male 38 years old, currently living in Germany. A year ago, from a random blood test, it was found that I have chronic hepatitis B. I have no idea how or when I got infected.
Hbsag positive and HBeAg-negative. Since then I have been struggling with depression, I have two children and I constantly think about them. After I found out about the diagnosis, every 3 months I do blood tests, enzymes, ultrasound and viral load.
These are all my results:
June 2023: Alt and AST normal, below 20. Viral load 240 IU /ml
September 2023: Alt and AST normal, below 20, Virus load 2200 IU/ml.
December 2023: Alt and AST normal below 20, Virus load 3300 IU/ml.
March 2024: Alt slightly increased to 29 and AST 15, Virus load 1800 IU/ml, AFP 3.2. Hbsag quantitative 2029, Albumin 49
June 2024: Alt 25 and Ast 19, Virus load 1100 IU/ml.
August 2024: ALT 19 and AST 15, Virus load 1900,afp 3,2, Album 48, Ultrasound normal, only slight steatosis.
September 2024: alt and ast under 20, Virus Load 3700
The first ultrasound examination(June 2023) revealed a fatty liver. Since then, actually since I found out about hepatitis, I don’t drink alcohol, I try to eat healthy, and I do sports. At the last ultrasound, the steatosis had decreased significantly.
I keep reading about the new world recommendations and guidelines on who should be treated for chronic hepatitis b and I am very confused. Some say that with a viral load above 2000 IU/ml and high enzymes, it should be treated. For me, there are results that exceed the limit of 2000 (especially last one) , but my enzymes are always normal.
I would really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes and give me some advice and opinion. What do you think about my status, am I an active or inactive carrier. Do you think with these results I should push for therapy? If not, what are the risks? My doctor advised me to keep monitoring (even in every 6 months) and not starting treatment. That last result make me little nervous, are those fluctuations normal and the loads are high? I would really appreciate it if you could give me your opinion and advice!